

c++ Programming Glossary: cctype

Convert from an infix expression to postfix (C++) using Stacks


' ' return false return true #include stdexcept #include cctype #include sstream #include stack std string convertToPostfix..

How to say != 0-9 in c ++ [duplicate]


java c syntax share improve this question C #include cctype using namespace std ... if isdigit str i or if str i '0' str..

Populate An Array Using Constexpr at Compile-time


is how to write this MagicFunction Note I am aware of cctype and likes this question is more of a Is this possible rather..

Is initializer list like this legal in C++11?


is like this #include iostream #include string #include cctype #include vector using std cin using std cout using std endl..

What's the best way to trim std::string


needs #include algorithm #include functional #include cctype #include locale trim from start static inline std string ltrim..

USB-drive serial number under linux C++


fcntl.h #include errno.h #include string.h #include cctype #include unistd.h int main struct hd_driveid id char dev dev..

Newbie question: When to use extern “C” { //code }?


C compatible header you should instead include the header cctype . You may also be interested in Mixing C and C from the C FAQ..

C++ function to count all the words in a string


the programmers on your team method of doing it. #include cctype int CountWords const char str if str NULL return error_condition..

How does does ifstream eof() work?


#include cmath #include cstdlib #include ctime #include cctype #include fstream using namespace std int main fstream inf ex.txt..

Right way to split an std::string into a vector<string> [duplicate]


ctype_base mask const get_table typedef std ctype char cctype static const cctype mask const_rc cctype classic_table static.. get_table typedef std ctype char cctype static const cctype mask const_rc cctype classic_table static cctype mask rc cctype.. std ctype char cctype static const cctype mask const_rc cctype classic_table static cctype mask rc cctype table_size std memcpy..

Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'


_TAKEAWAY_H_ #define _TAKEAWAY_H_ #include map #include cctype #include stack #include map #include iostream #include string..

Identifier not found error on function call


swapCase for some reason that I'm not sure of. #include cctype #include iostream #include conio.h using namespace std int main..

Are the character digits ['0'..'9'] required to have contiguous numeric values?


are not portable w.r.t. to the standard see also header cctype . If you do this make sure to assert that property. share..