

c++ Programming Glossary: cdialog

Why does my MFC app hang when I throw an exception?


c windows mfc share improve this question The code for CDialog DoModal makes the dialog modal by disabling the parent window...

C++: Derived + Base class implement a single interface?


I have a dialog class MyDialog lets say that derives from CDialog. Due to dependency issues I need to create an abstract interface.. the methods specific to MyDialog but also needs to call CDialog SetParent. I just solved it by creating MyDialog SetParent and.. creating MyDialog SetParent and having it pass through to CDialog SetParent but was wondering if there was a better way. c class..

Can a custom MFC window/dialog be a class template instantiation?


what I tried MyDlg.h template class W class CMyDlg public CDialog typedef CDialog super DECLARE_DYNAMIC CMyDlg W public CMyDlg.. template class W class CMyDlg public CDialog typedef CDialog super DECLARE_DYNAMIC CMyDlg W public CMyDlg CWnd pParent standard.. DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP private W m_pWidget W will always be a CDialog IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC CMyDlg W super template class W CMyDlg W..

BringWindowToTop is Not working even if I get the handle to Class Window


of the Class CNDSClientDlg CNDSClientDlg CWnd pParent NULL CDialog CNDSClientDlg IDD pParent InitInstance HWND hWnd hInst AfxGetInstanceHandle..

Handling WM_PAINT in a Subclassed CStatic Control


rect RGB 120 255 0 And subclassed class CMyDlg public CDialog Construction CMyStatic my_static ... BOOL CCMyDlg OnInitDialog.. CMyStatic my_static ... BOOL CCMyDlg OnInitDialog CDialog OnInitDialog my_static.SubclassDlgItem IDC_DRAW this return..