

c++ Programming Glossary: createservice

C++ plugin for Unity “EntryPointNotFoundExeption”


dllexport wstring CreateCOM __declspec dllexport wstring CreateService __declspec dllexport wstring GetMonitors private IWbemLocator.. LPCWSTR p myWString.c_str return p wstring WMIWrapper CreateService wstringstream ERRStream wstringstream in wstringstream out.. wmiWrapper new WMIWrapper wmiWrapper CreateCOM wmiWrapper CreateServiceW return wmiWrapper GetMonitors Unity Script using UnityEngine..

How do we tell if a C++ application is launched as a Windows service?


SC_MANAGER_CONNECT 0x00001 summary Required to call the CreateService function to create a service object and add it to the database...

Static linking - working with GTKmm application? - revised
