

c++ Programming Glossary: createwindow

How to explicitly set taskbar icon?


iconId ATOM atom RegisterClassEx wcex HWND wnd CreateWindow wcex.lpszClassName taskbarTitle WS_ICONIC WS_DISABLED 1000 1000..

Display Different images per monitor directX 10


outputs std vector WindowDataContainer windowsArray void CreateWindowsForOutputs for int i 0 i outputArray.size i IDXGIOutput output.. window new WindowDataContainer window hWnd CreateWindow windowClassName windowName WS_POPUP x y width height..

c++ console in a non-console application project


That can still use things like RegisterClass and CreateWindow just fine. The obvious alternative would be to use OutputDebugString..

How to get the Windows Power State Message (WM_POWERBROADCAST) when not running a Win32 GUI app?



How to append text to a TextBox?


class wc.hInstance hInstance RegisterClass wc hMainWindow CreateWindow wc.lpszClassName Append text main window WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW.. GetLastError if hMainWindow NULL return 1 textBoxInput CreateWindowEx WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE Edit NULL WS_CHILD WS_VISIBLE ES_AUTOHSCROLL.. 10 10 300 21 hMainWindow NULL NULL NULL button CreateWindowEx WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE Button Append WS_CHILD WS_VISIBLE ES_CENTER..

fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024


msg case WM_CREATE Get the 'this' pointer we passed to CreateWindow via the lpParam parameter. CREATESTRUCT cs CREATESTRUCT lParam.. width R.right R.left int height R.bottom R.top mhMainWnd CreateWindow L D3DWndClassName mMainWndCaption.c_str WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW.. height 0 0 mhAppInst this if mhMainWnd MessageBox 0 L CreateWindow FAILED 0 0 PostQuitMessage 0 ShowWindow mhMainWnd SW_SHOW UpdateWindow..

How to get VBO working


some additions in that code. In main func call init under CreateWindow call like this glutCreateWindow You ™re first OpenGL Window init.. main func call init under CreateWindow call like this glutCreateWindow You ™re first OpenGL Window init and make function init look.. 500 500 glutInitWindowPosition 300 300 glutCreateWindow argv 0 init glutDisplayFunc display glutReshapeFunc reshape..

What is an efficient way to wrap HWNDs in objects in C++?


it comes to creating windows I find the RegisterClassEx CreateWindowEx method very awkward. This design makes it hard to write simple.. friends. CWindowImpl makes takes care of the RegisterClass CreateWindow awkwardness that you speak of. CWindow is a basic wrapper class..

c++ using too much cpu


Store instance handle in our global variable hWnd CreateWindow szWindowClass szTitle WS_OVERLAPPED WS_CAPTION WS_SYSMENU WS_MINIMIZEBOX..

BringWindowToTop is Not working even if I get the handle to Class Window


Store instance handle in our global variable hWnd CreateWindow _T CNDSClientDlg NDS WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW CW_USEDEFAULT 0 CW_USEDEFAULT..

Can the HWND from CreateWindow/CreateDialog be GetMessage'd from another thread?


the HWND from CreateWindow CreateDialog be GetMessage'd from another thread Using the..

How should I create a child window in win32 while programming with C++?


windows programming.. i have created a window using msdn CreateWindow function which works correctly..now i would like to create a.. for the parent where you wish to create the child you call CreateWindow passing in the window for the parent as the hwndParent probably..

What is the difference between _tmain() and main() in C++?


arguments call the W version of the function. Instead of CreateWindow call CreateWindowW . And instead of using char use wchar_t and.. W version of the function. Instead of CreateWindow call CreateWindowW . And instead of using char use wchar_t and so on Explicitly.. and so on Explicitly disable Unicode. Call main and CreateWindowA and use char for strings. Allow both. call _tmain and CreateWindow..

How to navigate between controls in a Window by TAB key?


in a Window by TAB key I created a window by calling CreateWindow and put 2 edit controls on it. The edit controls had WS_TABSTOP..