

c++ Programming Glossary: cv_8u

Inverse fourier transformation in OpenCV


OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Advanced square detection


image medianBlur image blurred 9 Mat gray0 blurred.size CV_8U gray vector vector Point contours find squares in every color..

watershed segmentation opencv xcode


Create markers image cv Mat markers binary.size CV_8U cv Scalar 0 markers fg bg Create watershed segmentation object.. cv watershed image markers markers.convertTo markers CV_8U return markers int main int argc char argv cv Mat image cv imread.. bg bg Create markers image cv Mat markers binary.size CV_8U cv Scalar 0 markers fg bg imshow markers markers Create watershed..

Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV


int typenum PyArray_TYPE o int type typenum NPY_UBYTE CV_8U typenum NPY_BYTE CV_8S typenum NPY_USHORT CV_16U typenum NPY_SHORT.. type const int f int sizeof size_t 8 int typenum depth CV_8U NPY_UBYTE depth CV_8S NPY_BYTE depth CV_16U NPY_USHORT depth.. int typenum PyArray_TYPE o int type typenum NPY_UBYTE CV_8U typenum NPY_BYTE CV_8S typenum NPY_USHORT CV_16U typenum NPY_SHORT..

Can I determin the number of channels in cv::Mat Opencv


improve this question Call Mat.channels cv Mat img 1 1 CV_8U cvScalar 0 std cout img.channels Output 1 which is the number.. Also try std cout img.type Output 0 which belongs to CV_8U look here at line 542 . Study file types_c.h for each define..

Knowing the value of an Mat element Opencv


use the '.at' operator and I also found its datatype to be CV_8U. I tried the following cout abs_dst_gray.at uchar 10 10 endl.. not the integer representation. See cv Mat img 3 3 CV_8U cvScalar 123 cout Number int img.at uchar 1 1 represents ASCII..

Accessing elements of cvCreateMatND


by int size 12 12 12 CvMatND matB cvCreateMatND 3 size CV_8U int Data matA data.i Thanks c c image processing opencv matrix..

Square detection doesn't find squares


Point squares squares.clear Mat pyr timg gray0 image.size CV_8U gray karlphillip dilate the image so this technique can detect..

converting cv::Mat for tesseract


image cv Rect 50 200 300 100 int depth if subImage.depth CV_8U depth 8 other cases not considered yet PIX pix pixCreateHeader..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection


vector cv Point squares cv Mat pyr timg gray0 _image.size CV_8U gray int thresh 50 N 11 cv pyrDown _image pyr cv Size _image.cols.. image medianBlur image blurred 9 Mat gray0 blurred.size CV_8U gray vector vector Point contours find squares in every color..