

c++ Programming Glossary: cv_window_autosize

OpenCV : convert the pointer in memory to image


cv_image raw_data cv_image widthStep cvNamedWindow win1 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage win1 cv_image cvWaitKey 10 release resources cvReleaseImageHeader..

Setting ROI with mouse from a rectangle on a video


temp cvDestroyWindow name cvNamedWindow Example2 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvMoveWindow Example2 150 150 while 1 frame2 cvQueryFrame capture.. temp cvDestroyWindow name cvNamedWindow Example2 CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvMoveWindow Example2 150 150 Retrieve a single frame from the..

openCV program compile error “libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory” in ubuntu 12.04


cout No image data n return 1 namedWindow Display Image CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE imshow Display Image image waitKey 0 return 0 I compiled it..

Error in opencv code for motion detection


char argv Create a new window. cvNamedWindow My Window CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE Create a new movie capture object. CvCapture input Assign the.. cv int main int argc char argv cvNamedWindow My Window CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE CvCapture input char fileName E highway.avi input cvCaptureFromCAM..

Very simple application fails with “multiple target patterns” from Eclipse


WINDOW_NAME MyApp Window Window cvNamedWindow WINDOW_NAME CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvResizeWindow WINDOW_NAME 200 200 cvMoveWindow WINDOW_NAME..

OpenCV: process every frame


return Create a window for the video cvNamedWindow result CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE IplImage frame 0 char key 0 while key 27 ESC frame cvQueryFrame.. return Create a window for the video cvNamedWindow result CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE double elapsed 0 int last_time 0 int num_frames 0 IplImage frame..

xutility file?


IPL_DEPTH_8U 1 cvCopy img clone 0 cvNamedWindow ROI CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvCvtColor clone gray CV_RGB2GRAY face_rect.x pt1.x face_rect.y..

OpenCV - getting the slider to update its position during video playback


int argc char argv cvNamedWindow The Tom 'n Jerry Show CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE g_capture cvCreateFileCapture argv 1 int frames int cvGetCaptureProperty.. int main int argc char argv cvNamedWindow Video CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE video_capture cvCreateFileCapture Crowdy.avi int no_of_frames..

MJPEG streaming and decoding


CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH display video cvNamedWindow video CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE while key 'q' double t1 double cvGetTickCount get a frame frame..

Cant get output result using cvCornerHarris()


cannyImg 50 100 3 5 Display the result cvNamedWindow Img CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage Img srcImgGry cvNamedWindow Harris CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE.. cvShowImage Img srcImgGry cvNamedWindow Harris CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage Harris harrisImg cvNamedWindow Canny CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE.. cvShowImage Harris harrisImg cvNamedWindow Canny CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage Canny cannyImg cvWaitKey 0 cvDestroyWindow Harris..

OpenCV 2.3 and Visual Studio 2010


image image imread c image1.png 1 namedWindow Gray image CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE imshow Gray image image waitKey 0 return 0 It runs until imshow..

OpenCV 2.3 C++ Visual Studio 2010


a window to display the images cvNamedWindow mainWin CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE position the window cvMoveWindow mainWin 5 5 while 1 retrieve.. if img return 1 cvNamedWindow display CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE cvShowImage display img cvWaitKey 0 return 0 At this point we..

Masking a blob from a binary image


frameCount 0 Counts every 5 frames cvNamedWindow walking CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE while 1 color_frame cvQueryFrame capture Grabs the frame from..