

c++ Programming Glossary: cwnd

Unresolved Externals Nightmare


CResizableSheet CResizableSheet unsigned short const class CWnd unsigned int 0CResizableSheet@@QAE@PBGPAVCWnd@@I@Z referenced.. const class CWnd unsigned int 0CResizableSheet@@QAE@PBGPAVCWnd@@I@Z referenced in function public __thiscall CdataPropertySheet.. CdataPropertySheet unsigned short const class CWnd unsigned int 0CdataPropertySheet@@QAE@PBGPAVCWnd@@I@Z ResizableLib.lib..

OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working


gl gl.h #include gl glu.h class COpenGLControl public CWnd public Public Members UINT_PTR m_unpTimer View information.. private Private Members Window information CWnd hWnd HDC hdc HGLRC hrc int m_nPixelFormat CRect m_rect CRect.. virtual ~COpenGLControl void void oglCreate CRect rect CWnd parent CString strWindowName L OpenGl void oglInitialize void..

how to find a window's SW_SHOW/SW_HIDE status


control's visibility that has been hidden or enabled with CWnd ShowWindow . or ShowWindow hWnd nCmdShow I cannot simply use..

Detecting USB Insertion / Removal Events in Windows using C++


the event to get fired. class CMessageOnlyWindow public CWnd DECLARE_DYNAMIC CMessageOnlyWindow private DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE.. 0x8e 0x74 0xf9 0x3e IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC CMessageOnlyWindow CWnd CMessageOnlyWindow CMessageOnlyWindow CString cstrWndClassName.. ~CMessageOnlyWindow BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP CMessageOnlyWindow CWnd ON_WM_DEVICECHANGE END_MESSAGE_MAP afx_msg BOOL CMessageOnlyWindow..

Handling WM_PAINT in a Subclassed CStatic Control


When I re enable the window after disabling it using CWnd EnableWindow function it refuses to draw what I written in OnPaint..

Visual Studio 2010 hangs when I debug method AttachThreadInput()


I debuging next code of my project Visual Studio is hangs CWnd _window CWnd FromHandle _hwnd_ if _window DWORD nForeThread.. code of my project Visual Studio is hangs CWnd _window CWnd FromHandle _hwnd_ if _window DWORD nForeThread nAppThread nForeThread..