

c++ Programming Glossary: d3d11createdevice

What can cause D3D11CreateDevice() to fail with E_FAIL?


can cause D3D11CreateDevice to fail with E_FAIL I'm invoking D3D11CreateDevice with the.. cause D3D11CreateDevice to fail with E_FAIL I'm invoking D3D11CreateDevice with the following code ID3D11Device md3dDevice ID3D11DeviceContext.. createDeviceFlags D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG HRESULT hr D3D11CreateDevice 0 md3dDriverType 0 createDeviceFlags 0 0 D3D11_SDK_VERSION..

Why is D3D10SDKLayers.dll loaded during my DX11 game?


code listing. EDIT Device Creation code is below. hr D3D11CreateDevice pAdapter driverType NULL rDeviceSettings.m_CreateFlags.. enumeration. if driverType D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_UNKNOWN hr D3D11CreateDevice pAdapter driverType NULL rDeviceSettings.m_CreateFlags..

Requirements for target application for Visual Studio 11's Graphics Debugger


applications under the Graphics Debugger Alt F5 crash on D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain even if they work fine. On my Visual Studio 11 Beta.. works With further testing I found any attempt at D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain fails with a null adapter it runs but captures give.. DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC struct IDXGISwapChain d3d11.dll _D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain@48 VsGraphicsHelper.dll CHookedD3D11Top D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain..