

c++ Programming Glossary: hfile

Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi


publicKeyInfo int publicKeyInfoLen HANDLE hFile HCRYPTPROV hProv 0 HCRYPTKEY hKey 0 Read the public key cert.. 0 HCRYPTKEY hKey 0 Read the public key cert from the file hFile CreateFileA c pub.pem GENERIC_READ 0 NULL OPEN_EXISTING FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL.. 0 NULL OPEN_EXISTING FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL NULL if hFile INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE fprintf stderr Failed to open file. error..

communication between c++ and c# through pipe


#include stdio.h int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv HANDLE hFile BOOL flg DWORD dwWrite char szPipeUpdate 200 hFile CreateFile.. HANDLE hFile BOOL flg DWORD dwWrite char szPipeUpdate 200 hFile CreateFile L . pipe BvrPipe GENERIC_WRITE 0 NULL OPEN_EXISTING.. Data from Named Pipe client for createnamedpipe if hFile INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE DWORD dw GetLastError printf CreateFile..

C++/Win32: How to wait for a pending delete to complete?


that loops over something like this while true HANDLE hFile CreateFileA pszFilename FILE_ALL_ACCESS FILE_SHARE_READ NULL.. NULL CREATE_NEW FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL NULL if hFile INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return OpenFailed const DWORD dwWrite strlen.. dwWrite strlen pszFilename DWORD dwWritten if WriteFile hFile pszFilename dwWrite dwWritten NULL dwWritten dwWrite return..

C++ — how to write a sample code that will crash and produce dump file?


t.wYear t.wMonth t.wDay t.wHour t.wMinute t.wSecond auto hFile CreateFileA name GENERIC_WRITE FILE_SHARE_READ 0 CREATE_ALWAYS.. FILE_SHARE_READ 0 CREATE_ALWAYS FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 0 if hFile INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION exceptionInfo.. pMiniDumpWriteDump GetCurrentProcess GetCurrentProcessId hFile MINIDUMP_TYPE MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory MiniDumpScanMemory..

C++ std::string conversion problem on Windows


is my procedure bool Open std string filename ... HANDLE hFile CreateFile filename.c_str GENERIC_READ FILE_SHARE_READ NULL..

embed DLL in MFC C++ EXE?


hInstance MAKEINTRESOURCE resourceID _T œBINARY HGLOBAL hFileResource LoadResource hInstance hResource Open and map this to.. and map this to a disk file LPVOID lpFile LockResource hFileResource DWORD dwSize SizeofResource hInstance hResource Open.. hInstance hResource Open the file and filemap HANDLE hFile CreateFile szFilename GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE 0 NULL CREATE_ALWAYS..