

c++ Programming Glossary: hgdiobj

How to get list of GDI handles


cell table i if cell.wProcessId dwId continue HGDIOBJ gdiHandle HGDIOBJ cell.wUpper 16 i WORD type cell.wType 0x7F.. i if cell.wProcessId dwId continue HGDIOBJ gdiHandle HGDIOBJ cell.wUpper 16 i WORD type cell.wType 0x7F switch type case.. i GDICELL cell table i if cell.wProcessId dwId continue HGDIOBJ gdiHandle HGDIOBJ cell.wUpper 16 i WORD type cell.wType 0x7F..

How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++


PS_INSIDEFRAME 0 RGB 0 0 0 Select our brush into hDC HGDIOBJ old_pen SelectObject item hdc pen HGDIOBJ old_brush SelectObject.. brush into hDC HGDIOBJ old_pen SelectObject item hdc pen HGDIOBJ old_brush SelectObject item hdc selectbrush If you want rounded.. 0 0 item HPEN pen CreatePen PS_INSIDEFRAME 0 RGB 0 0 0 HGDIOBJ old_pen SelectObject item hdc pen HGDIOBJ old_brush SelectObject..

Bitmap transfer using Winsock, GetDIBits and SetDiBits [closed]


DrawScreen HDC hdc called from windows message WM_PAINT HGDIOBJ hobj hobj SelectObject RemoteDC hRemoteBitmap BitBlt hdc 0 0..