

c++ Programming Glossary: isempty

Virtual functions and template clash


class lala public virtual someFunctions 0 virtual bool isEmpty 0 class lalaLower public lala public lalaLower ~lalaLower someFunctions.. addHeight double Height void setHeight double Height bool isEmpty return heights_.empty protected std deque double heights_ friend..

In c++ what does a tilde “~” before a function name signify?


What does the ~ signify int push const T int pop T int isEmpty const return top 1 int isFull const return top size 1 private..

Is this a bug in the Intel C++ Compiler at optimization level 2?


cstdio class tClassA public int m_first m_last bool isEmpty const return m_first m_last void updateFirst m_first m_first.. not reach here r n int main tClassA q while true while q.isEmpty q.doSomething return 1 It is supposed to stoped at while q.isEmpty.. q.doSomething return 1 It is supposed to stoped at while q.isEmpty . When O2 enabled under ICC release however it starts to doSomething..

Undefined reference to template members


Maze Maze.cpp 79 undefined reference to `Stack Coordinate isEmpty ' Maze Maze.cpp 87 undefined reference to `Stack Coordinate..

templates: parent class member variables not visible in inherited class


elemType operator const arrayListType elemType bool isEmpty const bool isFull const int listSize const int maxListSize const.. template class elemType bool arrayListType elemType isEmpty const return length 0 remaining non virtual functions of arrayListType..

SWIG (v1.3.29) generated C++ to Java Vector class not acting properly


size_type capacity const void reserve size_type n rename isEmpty empty bool empty const void clear void push_back const value_type..