

c++ Programming Glossary: misleading

Why does std::fstream set the EOF bit the way it does?


above which I failed to read initially thanks to the misleading first paragraph Conversely the stream does not go into EOF state..

Why is this a floating point exception?


defined but I thought it was strange that the error was so misleading. What is it within the C modulo operator that would use floating..

Test whether a class is polymorphic


runtime for polymorphic types. 1 So i guess the comment is misleading plain wrong or since the author of this code is quite a senior..

What is the optimal algorithm for generating an unbiased random integer within a range?


in action. I think calling this Java's algorithm is a bit misleading I'm sure it's much older than Java. int rangeRandomAlg2 int..

How to break out of a loop from inside a switch?


Why are my struct's members not properly initialised using `{}`? [duplicate]


it'll change all members you'll have a bug like here. It's misleading dangerous silly fragile code. For that reason without an accompanying..

Downloading and integrating Qt5 with Visual Studio 2012


specifically when uic.exe runs will give a deceptive and misleading error . Finally on the configure command line below be sure..

Explicit Type Conversion and Multiple Simple Type Specifiers


is Table 9 in the most recent draft N3000 is somewhat misleading but the preceeding text in dcl.type.simple 2 looks very clear..

Dealing with Floating Point exceptions


after the one that's actually causing the problem giving misleading line information in the debugger share improve this answer..

Microsecond resolution timestamps on Windows


by others in the Community Content area of the page is misleading as it has a non negligible overhead due to setting thread affinity..

Default class inheritance access


question You might have read something incomplete or misleading. To quote Bjarne Stroustrup from The C programming Language..

do I need to close a std::fstream? [duplicate]


improve this question I think the previous answers are misleading. fstream is a proper RAII object it does close automatically..

What's this STL vs. “C++ Standard Library” fight all about? [closed]


the entire standard library. It gets put on CVs. And it is misleading. I hardly know anything about C 's history so I can't judge..

Is C# really slower than say C++?


to produce results somewhere between meaningless and misleading and the same would be true for most other pairs of languages.. produce results that are meaningless at best and outright misleading at worst. Bonus Topic Benchmarks Since quite a few blogs web..

profiling: deque is 23% of my runtime


Alright so i'll remind you when profiling timing can be misleading. Using visual studios 2010 i profiles my app. The function tryAsDefine..

Can optimizations affect the ability to debug a VC++ app using its PDB?


is some information missing some information will be very misleading. The biggest issue in my opinion is local variables. The compiler..

Portable C++ Stack Trace on Exception


point you are pretty much screwed anyway. It may provide misleading information if some functions in the stack do not catch exceptions..

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


Note The name TotalPageFile is a bit misleading here. In reality this parameter gives the Virtual Memory Size..

When to mark a function in C++ as a virtual?


then making your member functions virtual will be misleading. A good example of this is Standard Library containers which..