

c++ Programming Glossary: parity

Set all bytes of int to (unsigned char)0, guaranteed to represent zero?


be a trap value in C can one of the padding bits be a parity bit i.e. can we modify the representation if we ensure that..

struct sizeof result not expected


configurationIndicator ULONG32 baudRate BYTE stopBits BYTE parity BYTE wordLength BYTE flowControl BYTE padding CONFIGURATION_DATA..

Boost Asio serial_port - need help with io


need to set other options like character_size flow_control parity and stop_bits. To write your data to the serial port you can..

Can an integer be NaN in C++?


trap representations for example if one padding bit is a parity bit. Regardless no arithmetic operation on valid values can..

High delay in RS232 communication on a PXA270


options baudRate cfsetospeed options baudRate no parity 8N1 options.c_cflag ~PARENB options.c_cflag ~CSTOPB options.c_cflag..

How to use Boost.Asio c++?


const enum flow_control type m_flow_control const enum parity type m_parity const enum stop_bits type m_stop_bits const unsigned.. flow_control type m_flow_control const enum parity type m_parity const enum stop_bits type m_stop_bits const unsigned int m_char_size.. none flow_control software flow_control hardware. @param parity The parity of the connection. Acceptable values are parity none..

ReadFile() says it failed, but the error code is ERROR_SUCCESS


for reference the device communicates at 115200 baud no parity 1 stop bit no flow control open gps com port hGpsUart CreateFile..

Serial Comm using WriteFile/ReadFile


system_error getting comm state if BuildCommDCB baud 19200 parity n data 8 stop 1 port system_error building comm DCB if SetCommState..

trap representation


about two possible trap representations software visible parity bits on numeric types and negative zero in non twos complement..

Read and Write on serial port in Ubuntu with C/C++ and LibSerial


Could not set the character size. std endl exit 1 Disable parity. serial_port.SetParity SerialStreamBuf PARITY_NONE if serial_port.good.. if serial_port.good std cerr Error Could not disable the parity. std endl exit 1 Set the number of stop bits. serial_port.SetNumOfStopBits..