

c++ Programming Glossary: path.c_str

Delete folder with items


good practice to initialise a pointer to NULL pdir opendir path.c_str struct dirent pent NULL if pdir NULL if pdir wasn't initialised.. if counter 2 for int i 0 i 256 i file i ' 0' strcat file path.c_str if pent NULL if pent has not been initialised correctly return.. let's clean up closedir pdir close the directory if rmdir path.c_str return false delete the directory return true EXAMPLE USAGE..

Struct Padding


How I am reading in the data std ifstream in path.c_str std ifstream in std ifstream binary Header header in.read char..

Getting std :: ifstream to handle LF, CR, and CRLF?


path ... insert path to test file here std ifstream ifs path.c_str if ifs std cout Failed to open the file. std endl return EXIT_FAILURE..

Managing stack with Lua and C++


if error luaL_loadfile L src test.lua 0 lua_pushstring L path.c_str if error lua_pcall L 1 LUA_MULTRET 0 0 lua_gettable L LUA_GLOBALSINDEX.. stack was this before issuing the function call 2 string path.c_str 1 function loaded from file src test.lua This is from the top..