

c++ Programming Glossary: pt1.y

Error in opencv code for motion detection


object. bndRect cvBoundingRect contour 0 pt1.x bndRect.x pt1.y bndRect.y pt2.x bndRect.x bndRect.width pt2.y bndRect.y bndRect.height.. h_next bndRect cvBoundingRect contour 0 pt1.x bndRect.x pt1.y bndRect.y pt2.x bndRect.x bndRect.width pt2.y bndRect.y bndRect.height..

xutility file?


it if necessary pt1.x r x scale pt2.x r x r width scale pt1.y r y scale pt2.y r y r height scale Draw the rectangle in the.. clone gray CV_RGB2GRAY face_rect.x pt1.x face_rect.y pt1.y face_rect.width abs pt1.x pt2.x face_rect.height abs pt1.y pt2.y.. pt1.y face_rect.width abs pt1.x pt2.x face_rect.height abs pt1.y pt2.y cvSetImageROI gray face_rect rectangle cvGetImageROI..

Square detection doesn't find squares


pt1 Point pt2 Point pt0 double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection


Point pt2 cv Point pt0 double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1..