

c++ Programming Glossary: pthread_self

Equivalent of SetThreadPriority on Linux (pthreads)


code equivalent #include pthread.h int main pthread_t thId pthread_self pthread_attr_t thAttr int policy 0 int max_prio_for_policy 0..

why does pthread_exit throw something caught by ellipsis?


has the following structure try ...code.... pthread_detach pthread_self pthread_exit NULL catch ... std cout I am here std endl why..

C++11: std::thread pooled?


thread std lock_guard std mutex lock m thread_ids.insert pthread_self for auto worker workers worker.join assert thread_ids.size..

Critique my non-intrusive heap debugger


threads at least with Pthreads you can identify them with pthread_self . This heap debugger could become a quite useful analysis tool...

How to start a new thread for a procedure for a member object


return NULL private void RunMe printf p p is running. n pthread_self this int main pthread_t tid Test test printf p creating thread.. tid Test test printf p creating thread for p is running. n pthread_self test pthread_create tid NULL Test Run test printf p waiting.. tid NULL Test Run test printf p waiting p to finish. n pthread_self test In real code you should check 'create' operation result...

Measuring NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access). No observable asymmetry. Why?


CPU_ZERO cpuset CPU_SET core cpuset pthread_setaffinity_np pthread_self sizeof cpu_set_t cpuset std ostream operator std ostream os..

gSOAP Multithreading


c.error void process_request void calc pthread_detach pthread_self CalculatorService c static_cast CalculatorService calc c serve..