

c++ Programming Glossary: rhs.x

i++ less efficient than ++i, how to show this?


x other.x foo operator foo const rhs printf assign foo n x rhs.x return this foo operator printf preincrement foo n x return..

What optimization does move semantics provide if we already have RVO?


operator const stuff lhs const stuff rhs stuff g lhs.x rhs.x return g int main stuff a 5 b 7 stuff c a b And after executing..

Move semantics - what it's all about? [duplicate]


values. bool operator const A lhs const A rhs return lhs.x rhs.x Finally assume that we define an object A to have sole ownership.. of their x member. A ~A delete x A A const A rhs x new T rhs.x A A operator const A rhs if this rhs x rhs.x Now suppose we.. A rhs x new T rhs.x A A operator const A rhs if this rhs x rhs.x Now suppose we want to define a function to swap two A objects...