

c++ Programming Glossary: rip

What does auto&& tell us?


latter will be called for modifiable rvalues and it can rip its guts out for the sake of performance avoiding copies . What.. the auto will bind to anything we cannot possibly try to rip out var s guts it may very well be an lvalue or even const...

Should all/most setter functions in C++11 be written as function templates accepting universal references?


here. If you're dealing with auto_ptr then it's time to rip it out and use unique_ptr . It's usually preferred now to take..

When to make a type non-movable in C++11?


as int can't move moving them is just a copy. You can't rip the guts out of an int you can copy its value and then set it..

what's the mechanism of sizeof() in C/C++?


code you'll find sth like this movl 4 esi leaq LC0 rip rdi xorl eax eax call _printf So the compiler put directly the..

Why GCC does not use LOAD(without fence) and STORE+SFENCE for std::memory_order_seq_cst?


cstring std atomic int a char b 64 void seq movl 0 a rip mfence int temp 0 a.store temp std memory_order_seq_cst void.. 0 a.store temp std memory_order_seq_cst void rel movl 0 a rip int temp 0 a.store temp std memory_order_relaxed With respect..

Split an Integer into its digits c++


integer 1 2 3 4 5 6 sum 21 I have it all done but when I rip the integer into digits I can't display it correctly. It displays..

In what cases should I use memcpy over standard operators in C++?


added by hand Copy by hand 10a11 18 movq _a@GOTPCREL rip rcx movq _b@GOTPCREL rip rdx movl rdx eax movl eax rcx movl.. by hand 10a11 18 movq _a@GOTPCREL rip rcx movq _b@GOTPCREL rip rdx movl rdx eax movl eax rcx movl 4 rdx eax movl eax 4 rcx.. 8 rdx eax movl eax 8 rcx memcpy 10a11 16 movq _a@GOTPCREL rip rcx movq _b@GOTPCREL rip rdx movq rdx rax movq rax rcx movl..

Hoisting the dynamic type out of a loop (a.k.a. doing Java the C++ way)


ebx 63 cmpl r13d ebx 64 jne L9 If I remove the virtual descriptors from the lines the same code is 76 L16 77 movq r14 rdi Set.. L18 89 cmpl 65535 esi 90 jne L17 91 leaq __ZStL8__ioinit rip rdi 92 call __ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev 93 movq ___dso_handle@GOTPCREL.. __ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev 93 movq ___dso_handle@GOTPCREL rip rdx 94 xorl esi esi 95 leaq ___tcf_0 rip rdi 96 leave 97 jmp..