

c++ Programming Glossary: s.substr

Inputting elements of unknown type into a vector


false Subsequent characters may only be digits for char c s.substr 1 if not isdigit c return false Looks like it is an int return.. characters may only be digits and a dot now for char c s.substr 1 if not isdigit c and c '.' return false if c '.' if hasSeenDot..

Parse (split) a string in C++ using string delimiter (standard C++) [duplicate]


string s scott tiger std string delimiter std string token s.substr 0 s.find delimiter token is scott The find const string str.. if you want to preserve the original string just use s s.substr pos delimiter.length s.erase 0 s.find delimiter delimiter.length.. token while pos s.find delimiter std string npos token s.substr 0 pos std cout token std endl s.erase 0 pos delimiter.length..

set<string>: how to list not strings starting with given string and ending with `/`?


pos std string npos pos first count pos 1 first return s.substr first count void directory_listning_without_directories_demo..

How to make my split work only on one real line and be capable to skeep quoted parts of string?


How to implement “Variadic Template” with pre-c++0x(VS2008)?


while curr_offset s.find prev_offset std string npos out s.substr prev_offset curr_offset if curr_offset s.size 1 s curr_offset.. out value if curr_offset 2 s.length return VarPrint out s.substr curr_offset 2 args... return true prev_offset curr_offset.. 0 while curr_offset s.find prev_offset std string npos out s.substr prev_offset curr_offset if curr_offset s.size 1 s curr_offset..

To find the longest substring with equal sum in left and right in C++


if temp 2 0 int leftSum 0 rightSum 0 string tempString s.substr i temp for int k 0 k temp 2 k leftSum leftSum tempString.. if temp 2 0 int leftSum 0 rightSum 0 string tempString s.substr i temp printf d tempString.length for int k 0 k temp 2 k ..