

c++ Programming Glossary: s32

localtime returns GMT for windows programs running on cygwin shells


changes this may cause the DST change to not take effect. s32 tzOffset getTzOffset if tzOffset static char timeBuf 48 char.. make a manual adjustment localTimeOffset tzOffset 60 60 s32 getTzOffset TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzInfo GetTimeZoneInformation.. TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzInfo GetTimeZoneInformation tzInfo s32 tz tzInfo.Bias 60 return tz A call to local time time_t t getAtTimeFromSomewhere..

Can I initialize a union in a mem-initializer?


I'm surprised this doesn't work union DlDatum float mFloat s32 mInteger class DlDbE public DlDbE float f mData.mFloat f private.. be done. Here is what I did union DlDatum float mFloat s32 mInteger bool mBoolean u32 mSymbol u32 mObjIdx DlDatum mInteger.. DlDatum mInteger 0 DlDatum float f mFloat f DlDatum s32 i mInteger i DlDatum bool b mBoolean b DlDatum u32 s mSymbol..

Why is D3D10SDKLayers.dll loaded during my DX11 game?


hook code below. LRESULT _stdcall MyClass WindowsKeyHook s32 nCode WPARAM wParam LPARAM lParam printf Key hook called nCode..