

c++ Programming Glossary: vk_escape

Tag editor component for Delphi/C++Builder


1 if Assigned FTagRemoved then FTagRemoved Sender end end VK_ESCAPE begin HideEditor Self.SetFocus Key #0 end end end destructor..

C++ Win32 keyboard events


kbd vkCode 0 if WM_KEYUP wParam switch kbd vkCode case VK_ESCAPE mmode false keys.removeall PostMessage mainwnd WM_MCR_HIDE 0..

C++ how do I terminate my programm using ESC button


share improve this question this use if GetAsyncKeyState VK_ESCAPE 0 break on windows . windows.h here is how it be on your example.. mylist.sort_list mylist.print while GetAsyncKeyState VK_ESCAPE 0 if WaitForSingleObject can not detect keypress then you can.. WINAPI CheckEscape LPVOID lpParam while GetAsyncKeyState VK_ESCAPE 0 sleep Sleep 10 exit 0 int _tmain int argc _TCHAR argv list..

Disable CONTROL + ALT + DELETE and Windows(win) Key in Windows 7 using Win32 application


GetAsyncKeyState VK_CONTROL sizeof SHORT 8 1 if pkh vkCode VK_ESCAPE bCtrlKeyDown Ctrl Esc Alt TAB pkh vkCode VK_TAB pkh flags LLKHF_ALTDOWN.. vkCode VK_TAB pkh flags LLKHF_ALTDOWN Alt Esc pkh vkCode VK_ESCAPE pkh flags LLKHF_ALTDOWN pkh vkCode VK_LWIN pkh vkCode VK_RWIN..