

c++ Programming Glossary: zach

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


dequeData.push_back tempData wcscpy_s tempData.cFileName L Zach wcscpy_s tempData.cAlternateFileName L ZACH tempData.dwFileAttributes.. dequeData.push_back tempData wcscpy_s tempData.cFileName L ZachFile.txt wcscpy_s tempData.cAlternateFileName L ZACHFILE.TXT.. fakeData.push_back std make_pair dequeData L C Windows Zach typedef DirectoryIterator AllResults BasicRecursiveEnumeration..

What Rules does compiler have to follow when dealing with volatile memory locations?


fetch the value from memory every time taking a hint from Zach I should say that every time is bounded by sequence points ...