

c++ Programming Glossary: zeromemory

CreateProcess doesn't pass command line arguments


parameter STARTUPINFO StartupInfo This is an in parameter ZeroMemory StartupInfo sizeof StartupInfo StartupInfo.cb sizeof StartupInfo..

EnumDisplayDevices vs WMI Win32_DesktopMonitor, how to detect active monitors?


while EnumDisplayDevices 0 dev dd 0 DISPLAY_DEVICE ddMon ZeroMemory ddMon sizeof ddMon ddMon.cb sizeof ddMon DWORD devMon 0 while.. DeviceID DeviceID.Mid 8 DeviceID.Find L 9 8 devMon ZeroMemory ddMon sizeof ddMon ddMon.cb sizeof ddMon ZeroMemory dd sizeof.. devMon ZeroMemory ddMon sizeof ddMon ddMon.cb sizeof ddMon ZeroMemory dd sizeof dd dd.cb sizeof dd dev share improve this answer..

How might I wrap the FindXFile-style APIs to the STL-style Iterator Pattern in C++?


RecursiveDirectoryFixture WIN32_FIND_DATAW tempData ZeroMemory tempData sizeof tempData std deque WIN32_FIND_DATAW dequeData.. RecursionOrderMaintained WIN32_FIND_DATAW tempData ZeroMemory tempData sizeof tempData std deque WIN32_FIND_DATAW dequeData..

Can a member struct be zero-init from the constructor initializer list without calling memset?


gets printed out Obviously the easy fix is to memset or ZeroMemory _foo. It's what I've always done... However I did notice that..

Find and eject a USB device based on its VID/PID


0 dwSize sizeof buf continue pspdidd cbSize sizeof pspdidd ZeroMemory PVOID spdd sizeof spdd spdd.cbSize sizeof spdd if SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail..

Creating HBITMAP from memory buffer


NULL are no good. Sample code BITMAPINFO bmi ZeroMemory bmi sizeof BITMAPINFO bmi.bmiHeader.biSize sizeof BITMAPINFOHEADER..

Simulating a BlueScreen


a way to cause a bluescreen Maybe with a windowsAPI call ZeroMemory maybe . Anywhoo if you can think of a way to cause a bluescreen..

Does using SecureZeroMemory() really help to make the application more secure?


using SecureZeroMemory really help to make the application more secure There's a SecureZeroMemory.. help to make the application more secure There's a SecureZeroMemory function in WinAPI that is designed for erasing the memory used.. stuff when the buffer is no longer needed. It differs from ZeroMemory in that its call will not be optimized out by the compiler...

How to download a file with WinHTTP in C/C++?


printf Out of memory n dwSize 0 else Read the Data. ZeroMemory pszOutBuffer dwSize 1 if WinHttpReadData hRequest LPVOID pszOutBuffer..

What is the significance of the <: syntax in C? [duplicate]


How to know when a new USB storage device is connected in Qt?


connect notification DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE devInt ZeroMemory devInt sizeof devInt devInt.dbcc_size sizeof DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE..

CreateProcess and CreatePipe to execute a process and return output as a string in VC++


csExeName csArguments SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secattr ZeroMemory secattr sizeof secattr secattr.nLength sizeof secattr secattr.bInheritHandle.. data CreatePipe rPipe wPipe secattr 0 STARTUPINFO sInfo ZeroMemory sInfo sizeof sInfo PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo ZeroMemory pInfo.. ZeroMemory sInfo sizeof sInfo PROCESS_INFORMATION pInfo ZeroMemory pInfo sizeof pInfo sInfo.cb sizeof sInfo sInfo.dwFlags STARTF_USESTDHANDLES..

how to change the ACLs from c++?


ACE. The ACE will allow Everyone read access to the key. ZeroMemory ea 1 sizeof EXPLICIT_ACCESS ea 0 .grfAccessPermissions 0xFFFFFFFF..

GetVersionEx under Windows 8


PGNSI pGNSI PGPI pGPI BOOL bOsVersionInfoEx DWORD dwType ZeroMemory si sizeof SYSTEM_INFO ZeroMemory osvi sizeof OSVERSIONINFOEX.. DWORD dwType ZeroMemory si sizeof SYSTEM_INFO ZeroMemory osvi sizeof OSVERSIONINFOEX osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize sizeof..