

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:03:35

iphone Programming Glossary: allvalues

UITableViewCell Reuse and Images Re-render


self.datasource allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector @selector caseInsensitiveCompare NSArray allDistrict self.datasource allValues NSString key sorted objectAtIndex indexPath.section NSArray img self.datasource valueForKey key int column 0 int space 10..

How i can fetch array in xcode?


Sort an NSMutableDictionary


sort that array and then get the key corresponding to the value. You can get the values with NSArray values myDict allValues NSArray sortedValues values sortedArrayUsingSelector @selector comparator But if the collection is as you show in your example..

Fetch all events from EventStore EventKit iOS


How to write to plist successfully?


NSMutableDictionary myDictionary NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithContentsOfFile path NSArray allmyData myDictionary allValues creates and array to store only the event details NSMutableArray data NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray allmyData data..

UISearchDisplayController causes crash after viewDidUnload


initWithObjects count #5 0x01e34f52 in NSArray arrayWithObjects count #6 0x01e5e084 in NSDictionary allValues #7 0x01035272 in UINib instantiateWithOwner options #8 0x00edce2c in UIViewController _loadViewFromNibNamed bundle #9 0x00edd3a9..