

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:15

iphone Programming Glossary: audiourl

Merging Audio with Video Objective-C


@ 1.aiff If you are not sure of the code you used This code works for me void mergeAudio NSURL audioURL withVideo NSURL videoURL andSaveToPathUrl NSString savePath AVURLAsset audioAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL.. withVideo NSURL videoURL andSaveToPathUrl NSString savePath AVURLAsset audioAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL options nil AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL videoURL options nil AVMutableComposition mixComposition..

How to use scaleTimeRange in an AVMutableComposition?


to get my video track to be sped up or slowed down Here's my code AVURLAsset audioAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL options nil AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL videoURL options nil AVMutableComposition mixComposition..

[NSMutableArray objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array from AVURLAsset


AVMutableComposition composition AVMutableComposition composition AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL options nil AVURLAsset audioAsset1 AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL1 options nil AVURLAsset audioAsset2 AVURLAsset.. videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL options nil AVURLAsset audioAsset1 AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL1 options nil AVURLAsset audioAsset2 AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL1 options nil AVMutableCompositionTrack compositionVideoTrack.. audioAsset1 AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL1 options nil AVURLAsset audioAsset2 AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL1 options nil AVMutableCompositionTrack compositionVideoTrack composition addMutableTrackWithMediaType AVMediaTypeAudio preferredTrackID..

AVPlayer with one video tracks and multiples audio tracks


kCMTimeZero error error NSMutableArray allAudio NSMutableArray alloc init for int i 1 i allAudioTracks count i NSURL audioURL NSURL URLWithString NSString stringWithFormat @ @ @ URL_MEDIA allAudioTracks objectAtIndex i audio AVURLAsset audioAsset.. @ @ @ URL_MEDIA allAudioTracks objectAtIndex i audio AVURLAsset audioAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL options nil allAudio addObject audioAsset audioAsset release audioURL release for int i 0 i allAudio count i NSError error.. audioAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL audioURL options nil allAudio addObject audioAsset audioAsset release audioURL release for int i 0 i allAudio count i NSError error NULL AVURLAsset audioAsset AVURLAsset allAudio objectAtIndex i audioAsset..