

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:53

iphone Programming Glossary: cancelbuttonindex

UIActionSheet addButtonWithTitle: doesn't add buttons in the right order


work iphone cocoa touch share improve this question You can just add them in your correct order and then set the cancelButtonIndex and destructiveButtonIndex manually. For your code example if self super initWithTitle title delegate self cancelButtonTitle..

Action sheet doesn't show Cancel button on iPad


Dismissing UIAlertViews when entering background state


super show void applicationDidEnterBackground NSNotification notification super dismissWithClickedButtonIndex self cancelButtonIndex animated NO NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self name UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification object..

App crashes with reason: Collection <__NSArrayM: 0x7071700> was mutated while being enumerated


void actionSheet UIActionSheet actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex NSInteger buttonIndex if buttonIndex actionSheet cancelButtonIndex deleting images from horView UIView subview while subview horView subviews lastObject nil subview removeFromSuperview deleting..

TableView Crashing/Freezing Because Of Core Data Error


void alertView UIAlertView alertView willDismissWithButtonIndex NSInteger buttonIndex if buttonIndex alertView cancelButtonIndex NSString entered AlertPrompt alertView enteredText if eventsArray entered eventsArray addObject entered tableView reloadData..

Why Isn't Core Data Fetching My Data?


release void alertView UIAlertView alertView willDismissWithButtonIndex NSInteger buttonIndex if buttonIndex alertView cancelButtonIndex NSString entered AlertPrompt alertView enteredText if eventsArray entered eventsArray addObject entered tableView reloadData..

Cell Not Being Added To TableViewController


release void alertView UIAlertView alertView willDismissWithButtonIndex NSInteger buttonIndex if buttonIndex alertView cancelButtonIndex NSString entered AlertPrompt alertView enteredText if eventsArray entered eventsArray addObject entered tableView reloadData..

Making a call programatically from iphone app and returning back to the app after ending the call


release void alertView UIAlertView alertView willDismissWithButtonIndex NSInteger buttonIndex if buttonIndex alertView cancelButtonIndex NSString phone_number @ 0911234567 assing dynamically from your code UIApplication sharedApplication openURL NSURL URLWithString..