

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:54

iphone Programming Glossary: captureoutput

Upload live streaming video from iPhone like Ustream or Qik


go captureSession startRunning Then the output device's delegate here self has to implement the callback void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection.. Then the output device's delegate here self has to implement the callback void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer..

how to convert a CVImageBufferRef to UIImage


to convert a CVImageBufferRef to UIImage I amy trying to capture video from a camera. i have gotten the captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer callback to trigger and it gives me a sample buffer that i then convert to a CVImageBufferRef. i then.. convert to a CVImageBufferRef. i then attempt to convert that image to a UIImage that i can then view in my app. void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection.. i then attempt to convert that image to a UIImage that i can then view in my app. void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer..

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?


deviceInputWithDevice AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo error nil AVCaptureVideoDataOutput captureOutput AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init captureOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames YES dispatch_queue_t queue queue dispatch_queue_create.. AVMediaTypeVideo error nil AVCaptureVideoDataOutput captureOutput AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init captureOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames YES dispatch_queue_t queue queue dispatch_queue_create cameraQueue NULL captureOutput setSampleBufferDelegate.. captureOutput.alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames YES dispatch_queue_t queue queue dispatch_queue_create cameraQueue NULL captureOutput setSampleBufferDelegate self queue queue dispatch_release queue NSString key NSString kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey NSNumber..

This code to write video+audio through AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInputs is not working. Why?


lastSampleTime _videoWriter finishWriting NSLog @ video recording stopped And finally the CaptureOutput code void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection.. finishWriting NSLog @ video recording stopped And finally the CaptureOutput code void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection if CMSampleBufferDataIsReady.. AVAssetWriterStatusWriting _videoWriter startWriting _videoWriter startSessionAtSourceTime lastSampleTime if captureOutput _videoOutput self newVideoSample sampleBuffer If I add audio to the video then the output file gets corrupted and it..

Can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput at the same time?


startWriting assetWriter startSessionAtSourceTime kCMTimeZero captureSession startRunning ... elsewhere ... void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection.. startSessionAtSourceTime kCMTimeZero captureSession startRunning ... elsewhere ... void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer..

Uploading live streaming video from iPhone [duplicate]


go captureSession startRunning Then the output device's delegate here self has to implement the callback void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection.. Then the output device's delegate here self has to implement the callback void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer..

iOS CVImageBuffer distorted from AVCaptureSessionDataOutput with AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto


videoOutput 5 As video frames are captured the delegate's method is called with each new frame as a CVImageBuffer void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection.. are captured the delegate's method is called with each new frame as a CVImageBuffer void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVImageBufferRef pixelBuffer..

Having trouble creating UIImage from CIImage in iOS5


CIImage in iOS5 I'm using the AVFoundation framework. In my sample buffer delegate I have the following code void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection.. the AVFoundation framework. In my sample buffer delegate I have the following code void captureOutput AVCaptureOutput captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer fromConnection AVCaptureConnection connection CVPixelBufferRef pb CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer..