

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:59

iphone Programming Glossary: cfbundleversion

iPhone crash logs say “Version: ???”


understand how to replace those question marks with a real version number. I've configured my Info.plist to include a CFBundleVersion and a CFBundleShortVersionString but that didn't help... crash logs still just contain question marks instead of the version..

How to regenerate an iPhone Xcode info.plist file


string PRODUCT_NAME string key CFBundlePackageType key string APPL string key CFBundleSignature key string string key CFBundleVersion key string 1.0 string key LSRequiresIPhoneOS key true key NSMainNibFile key string MainWindow string dict plist share..

How to display the current project version of my App to the user?


allKeys componentsJoinedByString @ This snipplet gave me the following output 20 Keys NSBundleResolvedPath CFBundleVersion NSBundleInitialPath CFBundleIdentifier NSMainNibFile CFBundleIconFile CFBundleInfoPlistURL CFBundleExecutable DTSDKName.. CFBundleName So the solution is as simple as NSString version NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary valueForKey @ CFBundleVersion However this is not the Current Project Version as seen in the screenshot but the Bundle Version of the plist file. share..

How to programmatically display version number of target in iOS app


get the build number as a NSString variable NSString appBuildString NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ CFBundleVersion To get the version number as a NSString variable NSString appVersionString NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey.. following in the Run script build phase in the project settings # bin bash buildNumber usr libexec PlistBuddy c Print CFBundleVersion INFOPLIST_FILE buildNumber buildNumber 1 usr libexec PlistBuddy c Set CFBundleVersion buildNumber INFOPLIST_FILE For hexadecimal.. usr libexec PlistBuddy c Print CFBundleVersion INFOPLIST_FILE buildNumber buildNumber 1 usr libexec PlistBuddy c Set CFBundleVersion buildNumber INFOPLIST_FILE For hexadecimal build number use this script buildNumber usr libexec PlistBuddy c Print CFBundleVersion..

Read version from Info.plist


read your Info.plist as a dictionary with NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary And you can easily get the version at the CFBundleVersion key that way. Finally you can get the version with NSDictionary infoDict NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary NSString version..

How can my iphone app detect its own version number?


What's the simplest way to check the current version of your app against the latest version in the app store?


Facebook iOS Safari “Cannot Open Page Error” When Authenticating User with Single-Sign-On


string PRODUCT_NAME string key CFBundlePackageType key string APPL string key CFBundleSignature key string string key CFBundleVersion key string 1.0 string key LSRequiresIPhoneOS key true key NSMainNibFile key string MainWindow string dict plist iphone..

Version vs build in XCode 4


you right click and select Show Raw Keys Values you'll see the actual names are CFBundleShortVersionString Version and CFBundleVersion Build . The Version is usually used how you appear to have been using it with Xcode 3. I'm not sure on what level you're.. Copy and paste the following into the script area for integer build numbers buildNumber usr libexec PlistBuddy c Print CFBundleVersion INFOPLIST_FILE buildNumber buildNumber 1 usr libexec PlistBuddy c Set CFBundleVersion buildNumber INFOPLIST_FILE As @Bdebeez.. usr libexec PlistBuddy c Print CFBundleVersion INFOPLIST_FILE buildNumber buildNumber 1 usr libexec PlistBuddy c Set CFBundleVersion buildNumber INFOPLIST_FILE As @Bdebeez pointed out the Apple Generic Versioning Tool agvtool is also available. If you prefer..

What's the difference between “version number” in itunes connect, “bundle version”, “bundle version string” in xcode?


Connect This is the version number shown in the App Store This must be a pure version number like 1.2.3 Bundle Version CFBundleVersion This doesn't need to be a pure version number. This can be something like 12345 or 1.2.3 Build 12345AB . This is shown in.. This must be the same string as used for the version in iTunes Connect . Update As pointed out by @snlehton the CFBundleVersion has to be a pure version number like 1.2.3 when you want to upload your application to the iOS App Store. share improve..

-[CALayer release]: message sent to deallocated instance


0 1 version.text NSString stringWithFormat @ Version v @ @ NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary objectForKey @ CFBundleVersion kRevisionNumber version.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter version.textColor UIColor colorWithWhite 1.0 alpha 0.6 container..

How to send the device token and app version to server


Registration handy if you have more than one app NSString appVersion NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary objectForKey @ CFBundleVersion Prepare the Device Token for Registration remove spaces and NSString deviceToken devToken description stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString..

iOS: Access app-info.plist variables in code


get the version number you might do the following NSString appVersion NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ CFBundleVersion There is a gotcha in that the version number now has two attributes in the info.plist but you get the idea If you view your..

iOS - Create Database Schema (Run code only once)
