

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:04:59

iphone Programming Glossary: cfstr

How to programatically detect earpiece in iphone?


routeChangeDictionary inPropertyValue CFNumberRef routeChangeReasonRef CFDictionaryGetValue routeChangeDictionary CFSTR kAudioSession_AudioRouteChangeKey_Reason SInt32 routeChangeReason CFNumberGetValue routeChangeReasonRef kCFNumberSInt32Type..

Objective-C : How to fetch the router address?


other solutions I found so far NSString defaultRouter SCDynamicStoreRef ds SCDynamicStoreCreate kCFAllocatorDefault CFSTR myapp NULL NULL CFDictionaryRef dr SCDynamicStoreCopyValue ds CFSTR State Network Global IPv4 CFStringRef router CFDictionaryGetValue.. ds SCDynamicStoreCreate kCFAllocatorDefault CFSTR myapp NULL NULL CFDictionaryRef dr SCDynamicStoreCopyValue ds CFSTR State Network Global IPv4 CFStringRef router CFDictionaryGetValue dr CFSTR Router NSString routerString NSString stringWithString.. dr SCDynamicStoreCopyValue ds CFSTR State Network Global IPv4 CFStringRef router CFDictionaryGetValue dr CFSTR Router NSString routerString NSString stringWithString __bridge NSString router CFRelease dr CFRelease ds return routerString..

Display CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert on iPhone Lock Screen


currently i am using this code CFOptionFlags responseFlags 0 CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert 20.0 3 NULL NULL NULL CFSTR Hello CFSTR Hello World CFSTR OK NULL NULL responseFlags This works great on Home Screen but doesnt pop up if the screen.. i am using this code CFOptionFlags responseFlags 0 CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert 20.0 3 NULL NULL NULL CFSTR Hello CFSTR Hello World CFSTR OK NULL NULL responseFlags This works great on Home Screen but doesnt pop up if the screen is locked... code CFOptionFlags responseFlags 0 CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert 20.0 3 NULL NULL NULL CFSTR Hello CFSTR Hello World CFSTR OK NULL NULL responseFlags This works great on Home Screen but doesnt pop up if the screen is locked. Is there anything..

how to route iPhone audio to the bluetooth headset


CFURLRef soundFileURLRef SystemSoundID soundFileObject soundFileURLRef CFBundleCopyResourceURL mainBundle CFSTR bomb CFSTR wav NULL AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID soundFileURLRef soundFileObject AudioServicesPlaySystemSound soundFileObject.. CFURLRef soundFileURLRef SystemSoundID soundFileObject soundFileURLRef CFBundleCopyResourceURL mainBundle CFSTR bomb CFSTR wav NULL AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID soundFileURLRef soundFileObject AudioServicesPlaySystemSound soundFileObject should..

iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks CFDictionarySetValue myDictionary kCGPDFContextTitle CFSTR My PDF File CFDictionarySetValue myDictionary kCGPDFContextCreator CFSTR My Name Create our PDF Context with the CFURL the.. myDictionary kCGPDFContextTitle CFSTR My PDF File CFDictionarySetValue myDictionary kCGPDFContextCreator CFSTR My Name Create our PDF Context with the CFURL the CGRect we provide and the above defined dictionary pdfContext CGPDFContextCreateWithURL.. NULL picture kCFStringEncodingUTF8 pictureURL CFBundleCopyResourceURL CFBundleGetMainBundle picturePath CFSTR png NULL CFRelease picturePath provider CGDataProviderCreateWithURL pictureURL CFRelease pictureURL image CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider..

Iphone SDk : Issue with ampersand in the URL string


Objective-C url encoding


@ http www NSString escapedString NSString CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes NULL CFStringRef unescaped NULL CFSTR ' @ # kCFStringEncodingUTF8 NSLog @ escapedString @ escapedString NSLog output escapedString http 3A 2F 2Fwww Under ARC.. NSString CFBridgingRelease CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes NULL __bridge CFStringRef unescaped NULL CFSTR ' @ # kCFStringEncodingUTF8 Note stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding will not produce the correct encoding in this..

How can I link to my app in the App Store (iTunes)?


n NSString escapedBody NSString CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes kCFAllocatorDefault CFStringRef crlfBody NULL CFSTR kCFStringEncodingUTF8 autorelease NSString mailtoPrefix @ mailto xxx@wibble.com subject Get my app body stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding..