

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:00

iphone Programming Glossary: cgcontextclip

CGPathRef intersection


then search for pixels that survived the clipping process initialise and erase context CGContextAddPath context path1 CGContextClip context set fill colour to intersection colour CGContextAddPath context path2 CGContextFillPath context search for pixels..

How do I add a gradient to the text of a UILabel, but not the background?


context 0.0f round 20.0f 4.0f CGContextShowText context self.text UTF8String strlen self.text UTF8String CGContextClip context CGGradientRef gradient CGColorSpaceRef rgbColorspace size_t num_locations 2 CGFloat locations 2 0.0 1.0 CGFloat..

How to draw a gradient line (fading in/out) with Core Graphics/iPhone?


y2 CGContextStrokePath context with CGContextSaveGState context CGContextAddRect context CGRectMake x y width height CGContextClip context CGContextDrawLinearGradient context gradient startPoint endPoint 0 CGContextRestoreGState context and everything..

Blur an image of specific part (rectangular, circular)?


context rectWidth 0.0f rectWidth rectHeight 2.0f radious CGContextRestoreGState context CGContextClosePath context CGContextClip context image drawInRect CGRectMake 0.0f 0.0f imageWidth imageHeight UIImage newImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext..

Rounded Corners on UIImage


CGContextBeginPath maskedContextRef CGContextAddPath maskedContextRef borderPath CGContextClosePath maskedContextRef CGContextClip maskedContextRef self drawInRect dstRect maskedImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext CGContextRestoreGState maskedContextRef..

Rounded UIView using CALayers - only some corners - How?


context CGRect rect CGRectMake 0 0 w h addRoundedRectToPath context rect 50 1 CGContextClosePath context CGContextClip context CGContextDrawImage context rect img.CGImage CGImageRef imageMasked CGBitmapContextCreateImage context CGContextRelease..

CGGradient in an CGPath


share improve this question I think something like this will work CGContextSaveGState c CGContextAddPath c path CGContextClip c make a gradient CGColorRef colors topColor bottomColor CFArrayRef colorsArr CFArrayCreate NULL const void colors sizeof..

iPhone clip image with path


How to fill a path with gradient in drawRect:?


CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSaveGState context CGContextAddEllipseInRect context rect CGContextClip context CGPoint startPoint CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX rect CGRectGetMinY rect CGPoint endPoint CGPointMake CGRectGetMidX..

How to display an image on a MKOverlayView?


CGContextSetAlpha context preferences floatForKey @ RadarTransparency CGContextAddRect context clipRect CGContextClip context CGContextDrawImage context theRect imageReference image release When I download the image I flip the image so it..

Inner shadow effect on UIView layer?


CGPathCloseSubpath path Add the visible paths as the clipping path to the context CGContextAddPath context visiblePath CGContextClip context Now setup the shadow properties on the context aColor UIColor colorWithRed 0.0f green 0.0f blue 0.0f alpha 0.5f..

How to draw a “speech bubble” on an iPhone?


round currentFrame.size.height HEIGHTOFPOPUPTRIANGLE 0.50f 0.5f borderRadius strokeWidth CGContextClosePath context CGContextClip context The clipping path at the end can be left out if you're not going to use a gradient or some other more fill that's..

Just two rounded corners? [duplicate]


in drawRect CGContextBeginPath context addRoundedRectToPath context rect radius yourMask CGContextClosePath context CGContextClip context As I said I was doing this for UIImages so my code isn't exactly set up for use in drawRect but it should be pretty..

Round two corners in UIView


rect.size.width radius rect.origin.y rect.size.height radius radius M_PI 2 0.0f 1 CGContextClosePath context CGContextClip context The method is being called but doesn't seem to affect the outcome of the view. Any ideas why iphone objective c..

How do I create an image overlay and add to MKMapView?


theRect self rectForMapRect theMapRect CGRect clipRect self rectForMapRect mapRect CGContextAddRect ctx clipRect CGContextClip ctx CGContextDrawImage ctx theRect imageReference image release @end Add the overlay to the MKMapView MapOverlay mapOverlay..

iPhone Glossy Icons Using Core Graphics


UIGraphicsPushContext context addRoundedRectToPath context currentBounds 10 10 CGContextClosePath context CGContextClip context icon drawInRect currentBounds addGlossPath context currentBounds CGContextClip context rgbColorspace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB.. 10 CGContextClosePath context CGContextClip context icon drawInRect currentBounds addGlossPath context currentBounds CGContextClip context rgbColorspace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB glossGradient CGGradientCreateWithColorComponents rgbColorspace components..

UIImage Shadow Trouble


CGRect rect CGRectMake 0 0 w h addRoundedRectToPath imageContext rect 10 10 CGContextClosePath imageContext CGContextClip imageContext CGContextDrawImage imageContext CGRectMake 0 0 w h source.CGImage CGImageRef imageMasked CGBitmapContextCreateImage..

How to mask a square image into an image with round corners in the iPhone SDK?


CGContextAddArcToPoint context fw 0 fw fh 2 1 CGContextClosePath context CGContextRestoreGState context And then call CGContextClip context to clip it to the rectangle path. Now any drawing done including drawing an image will be clipped to the round rectangle..