

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:01

iphone Programming Glossary: cgcontextselectfont

Is it possible to alter the letter-spacing/kerning of a font with Cocoa Touch?


modified the code to fix that void drawRect CGRect rect Drawing code CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSelectFont context self.font.fontName cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.font.pointSize kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetCharacterSpacing..

How do I make UILabel display outlined text?


viewBounds self.bounds CGContextTranslateCTM theContext 0 viewBounds.size.height CGContextScaleCTM theContext 1 1 CGContextSelectFont theContext Helvetica viewBounds.size.height kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetRGBFillColor theContext 1 1 1 1 CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor..

How do I add a gradient to the text of a UILabel, but not the background?


context CGContextTranslateCTM context 0.0f self.bounds.size.height CGContextScaleCTM context 1.0f 1.0f CGContextSelectFont context Helvetica 20.0f kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetTextDrawingMode context kCGTextClip CGContextSetTextPosition context..

3d text effect in iOS


kCGTextFillStroke CGContextSetRGBFillColor ctx 222 255.0 222 255.0 222 255.0 1.0 CGContextSetCharacterSpacing ctx 2.6 CGContextSelectFont ctx fontName UTF8String fontSize fontSizeDelta kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextShowTextAtPoint ctx 0.0 3.0 fontOffset text.. text.length CGContextSetShadowWithColor ctx CGSizeZero 0.0 NULL disable shadow CGContextSetCharacterSpacing ctx 1.0 CGContextSelectFont ctx fontName UTF8String fontSize kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextShowTextAtPoint ctx 0.0 3.0 text UTF8String text.length CGImageRef..

How to change an UILabel/UIFont's letter spacing?


UPDATE So I was forced to do it like this void drawRect CGRect rect CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSelectFont context Arial BoldMT 60 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetCharacterSpacing context 10 CGContextSetTextDrawingMode context.. @end @implementation RALabel void drawRect CGRect rect Drawing code CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSelectFont context self.font.fontName cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding self.font.pointSize kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetCharacterSpacing..

Is there something faster than -drawInRect:withFont:lineBreakMode:alignment:?


the following CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor context strokeColor CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context strokeColor CGContextSelectFont context Helvetica fontSize kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetTextDrawingMode context kCGTextFill CGContextSetTextPosition..

Unicode Character Not Showing


Character Not Showing I want to display the infinity symbol using CGContextSelectFont context HelveticaNeue textSize kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextShowTextAtPoint context myCenter.x myCenter.y textHeight sName.. a problem with the encoding I am using iphone cocoa touch encoding share improve this question It turns out that CGContextSelectFont only supports MacRoman encoding which is basically has only a small set of characters. In order to display Unicode characters..

drawing text using CGContextShowTextAtPoint but text shown is inverted,


but text shown is inverted void drawRect CGRect rect CGContextRef context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSelectFont context Arial 24 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextShowTextAtPoint context 80 80 I am Rahul 7 I am trying to draw text as shown..

Curve text on existing circle


colorSpace kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst CGContextSetTextMatrix context CGAffineTransformIdentity CGContextSelectFont context fontName 18 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetRGBFillColor context 0 0 0 1 CGPoint centerPoint CGPointMake imageSize.size.width.. 4 frame.size.width colorSpace kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst CGContextSetTextMatrix context CGAffineTransformIdentity CGContextSelectFont context fontName 18 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor context ringColorComponents 0 ringColorComponents 1 ringColorComponents..

Drawing in CATiledLayer with CoreGraphics CGContextDrawImage


context UIColor redColor CGColor CGContextSetFillColorWithColor context UIColor whiteColor CGColor CGContextSelectFont context Courier 128 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetTextDrawingMode context kCGTextFill CGContextSetShouldAntialias context..

iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


200 200 207 385 image CGImageRelease image End image code Adding some text on top of the image we just added CGContextSelectFont pdfContext Helvetica 16 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetTextDrawingMode pdfContext kCGTextFill CGContextSetRGBFillColor..

Convert html file to PDF Document in iOS using Cocoa-Touch


200 200 207 385 image CGImageRelease image End image code Adding some text on top of the image we just added CGContextSelectFont pdfContext Helvetica 16 kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetTextDrawingMode pdfContext kCGTextFill CGContextSetRGBFillColor..

add annotation to pdf


@ path to new pdf CGContextRef destPDFContext CGPDFContextCreateWithURL __bridge CFURLRef destURL NULL NULL CGContextSelectFont destPDFContext CourierNewPS BoldMT 12.0 kCGEncodingFontSpecific Copy the first page of the source pdf into the destination..

Instruments Leaks - Not showing my source code
