

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:01

iphone Programming Glossary: cgcontextsetlinewidth

How do I make UILabel display outlined text?


kCGEncodingMacRoman CGContextSetRGBFillColor theContext 1 1 1 1 CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor theContext 0 0 0 1 CGContextSetLineWidth theContext 1.0 ShowStringCentered theContext rect.size.width 2.0 12 self text cStringUsingEncoding NSASCIIStringEncoding.. rect CGSize shadowOffset self.shadowOffset UIColor textColor self.textColor CGContextRef c UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSetLineWidth c 1 CGContextSetLineJoin c kCGLineJoinRound CGContextSetTextDrawingMode c kCGTextStroke self.textColor UIColor whiteColor..

How to create a UIImage from the current graphics context?


c UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSaveGState c CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor c UIColor blackColor .CGColor CGContextSetLineWidth c 1.5f for CFIndex i 0 i CFArrayGetCount _pathArray i CGPathRef path CFArrayGetValueAtIndex _pathArray i CGContextAddPath..

How can I check if a user tapped near a CGPath?


CGPathGetBoundingBox path CGContextRef g UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextAddPath g path CGContextSetLineWidth g 15 CGContextReplacePathWithStrokedPath g CGPath clickArea CGContextCopyPath g Not documented UIGraphicsEndImageContext..

How to Unerase the erased UIImage


context UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSetLineCap context kCGLineCapRound kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast CGContextSetLineWidth context 10 CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor context 0 0 0 1.0 CGContextSetBlendMode UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext kCGBlendModeClear.. self.editedImageView.frame.size.height CGContextSetLineCap context kCGLineCapRound CGContextSetLineWidth context brushSize if isEraser CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext UIColor colorWithPatternImage..

Break on EXC_BAD_ACCESS in XCode?


TestProject 1289 CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor invalid context Sun Oct 25 15 12 14 jasonsmacbook TestProject 1289 CGContextSetLineWidth invalid context Sun Oct 25 15 12 14 jasonsmacbook TestProject 1289 CGContextAddPath invalid context Sun Oct 25 15 12 14..

Setting A CGContext Transparent Background


context 0.0 CGContextFillRect context rect CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor context UIColor whiteColor .CGColor CGContextSetLineWidth context 5.0 CGContextMoveToPoint context 100.0 0.0 CGContextAddLineToPoint context 100.0 100.0 CGContextStrokePath context.. CGContextClearRect context rect CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor context UIColor whiteColor .CGColor CGContextSetLineWidth context 5.0 CGContextMoveToPoint context 100.0 0.0 CGContextAddLineToPoint context 100.0 100.0 CGContextStrokePath context..

underline text in UIlabel


ctx UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor ctx 207.0f 255.0f 91.0f 255.0f 44.0f 255.0f 1.0f RGBA CGContextSetLineWidth ctx 1.0f CGContextMoveToPoint ctx 0 self.bounds.size.height 1 CGContextAddLineToPoint ctx self.bounds.size.width self.bounds.size.height..

Curve text on existing circle


CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor context ringColorComponents 0 ringColorComponents 1 ringColorComponents 2 ringAlpha CGContextSetLineWidth context ringWidth CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect context CGRectMake ringWidth ringWidth frame.size.width ringWidth 2 frame.size.height..

want to add manual erasing option in ipad painting application by quartz


0 0 imgview.frame.size.width imgview.frame.size.height CGContextSetLineCap UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext kCGLineCapRound CGContextSetLineWidth UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext lineWidth CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext UIColor colorWithPatternImage..

How to customize the background/border colors of a grouped table view cell?


a rounded rect taking the entire rect CGContextBeginPath c addRoundedRectToPath c rect 10.0f 10.0f CGContextFillPath c CGContextSetLineWidth c 1 CGContextBeginPath c addRoundedRectToPath c rect 10.0f 10.0f CGContextStrokePath c void dealloc borderColor release..

How to draw a “speech bubble” on an iPhone?


drawing code that I used is as follows CGRect currentFrame self.bounds CGContextSetLineJoin context kCGLineJoinRound CGContextSetLineWidth context strokeWidth CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor context MyPopupLayer popupBorderColor CGContextSetFillColorWithColor..

Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader


leftcolor UIColor whiteColor CGColor CGColorRef rightcolor UIColor redColor CGColor CGContextFillRect context rect CGContextSetLineWidth context 1.0 float halfGraphHeight imageHeight 2 float channelCount float centerLeft halfGraphHeight float centerRight halfGraphHeight.. leftcolor UIColor whiteColor CGColor CGColorRef rightcolor UIColor redColor CGColor CGContextFillRect context rect CGContextSetLineWidth context 1.0 float halfGraphHeight imageHeight 2 float channelCount float centerLeft halfGraphHeight float centerRight halfGraphHeight..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


and width CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor context UIColor colorWithRed 0.0f green 0.0f blue 0.0f alpha 0.2f .CGColor CGContextSetLineWidth context 1.0f Start a new Path CGContextBeginPath context Find the number of lines in our textView add a bit more height..

Why is UIBezierPath faster than Core Graphics path?


setStroke CGContextAddPath ctx cgpath Stroke each path CGContextSaveGState ctx configure context the same as uipath CGContextSetLineWidth ctx uipath.lineWidth CGContextSetLineJoin ctx uipath.lineJoinStyle CGContextSetLineCap ctx uipath.lineCapStyle CGContextSetMiterLimit..

how to create an application which allows user to free hand drawing? [closed]


self.drawImage.frame.size.height CGContextSetLineCap UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext kCGLineCapRound CGContextSetLineWidth UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext 5.0 CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext 0.0 0.5 0.6 1.0 CGContextBeginPath..

Beginner iphone question: drawing a rectangle. What am I doing wrong?


context 250.0 350.0 CGContextAddLineToPoint context 50.0 350.0 end path CGContextClosePath context close path CGContextSetLineWidth context 8.0 this is set from now on until you explicitly change it CGContextStrokePath context do actual stroking CGContextSetRGBFillColor..