

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:26

iphone Programming Glossary: conformstoprotocol

Passing Values Between Master and Detail in UISplitViewController Using Storyboards


__unsafe_unretained if targeting 5.0. @end You can check if your class conforms to your protocol like so if delegate conformsToProtocol @protocol CustomerDelegate NSException raise @ Delegate Exception format @ Parameter does not conform to CustomerDelegate..

Application run on simulator but not on device in iphone


currentViewController _slideNavigationController viewControllers objectAtIndex 0 if currentViewController conformsToProtocol @protocol SlideViewControllerSlideDelegate currentViewController respondsToSelector @selector shouldSlideOut if id SlideViewControllerSlideDelegate..

Change UISearchBar/Keyboard Search Button Title


and keyboard appearance of the search bar for UIView searchBarSubview in tableSearchBar subviews if searchBarSubview conformsToProtocol @protocol UITextInputTraits @try UITextField searchBarSubview setReturnKeyType UIReturnKeyDone UITextField searchBarSubview..

Remove clear button (grey x) to the right of UISearchBar when cancel button tapped


before you start using it but after the search bar is initialised. for UIView subview in searchBar.subviews if subview conformsToProtocol @protocol UITextInputTraits UITextField subview setClearButtonMode UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing share improve this..

UITextView inputView


and I can use the protocol's methods to enter the text but in reality UITextView doesn't adopt this protocol. conformsToProtocol @protocol UIKeyInput returns NO and deleteBackwards is not implemented insertText and hasText are implemented. In addition..

iphone UISearchBar Done button always enabled


type. loop around subviews of UISearchBar for UIView searchBarSubview in searchBar subviews if searchBarSubview conformsToProtocol @protocol UITextInputTraits @try set style of keyboard UITextField searchBarSubview setKeyboardAppearance UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert..

How to change the size of the grid of TTThumbsViewController


2 kThumbSize kThumbSpacing return 3 Class tableView UITableView tableView cellClassForObject id object if object conformsToProtocol @protocol TTPhoto return TTThumbsTableViewCell_Ext class else return super tableView tableView cellClassForObject object..

Warning while adding and using a new method in external library protocol


to MyExtendedDelegate before you call the method from your extended protocol. if self.libraryController.delegate conformsToProtocol @protocol MyExtendedDelegate id MyExtendedDelegate extendedDelegate id MyExtendedDelegate self.libraryController.delegate..

Delegate vs Protocol [duplicate]


the listed methods. A class can be tested for conformance to a protocol at compile time and also at run time using the conformsToProtocol .. NSObject method. A delegate is a more abstract term that refers to the Delegation Design Patten. Using this design pattern..

How to trigger a video when a user reaches a certain location?


manager didUpdateToLocation CLLocation newLocation fromLocation CLLocation oldLocation if self.delegate conformsToProtocol @protocol CoreLocationControllerDelegate Check if the class assigning itself as the delegate conforms to our protocol. If.. newLocation void locationManager CLLocationManager manager didFailWithError NSError error if self.delegate conformsToProtocol @protocol CoreLocationControllerDelegate Check if the class assigning itself as the delegate conforms to our protocol. If..

Customize the MKAnnotationView callout


id MKAnnotation annotation if this is a custom annotation delegate the implementation of the view if annotation conformsToProtocol @protocol AnnotationProtocol return NSObject AnnotationProtocol annotation annotationViewInMap mapView else else return..