

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:27

iphone Programming Glossary: connectionwithrequest

How to download CSV file from server in Objective-C


^N225 ^AXJO ^HSI ^NSEI f sl1d1t1c1ohgv e .csv NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest requestWithURL url NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self iphone objective c ios xcode csv share improve this question Implement this method void connection..

Sending file from iOS to PHP using POST


forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type urlRequest setHTTPBody postData NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest urlRequest delegate self connection start NSLog @ Started On the server end I have the following code php name _POST 'name'..

Does a NSURLConnection retain its delegate?


request NSURLRequest requestWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http google.com NSURLConnection conn NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self NSLog @ Retain count after d self retainCount which produces in the log Running 2009 07 09 02 13 40.516.. 09 02 13 40.525 delegateRetain 45123 a0f Retain count after 2 Debugger stopped. So you can see pretty clearly that in connectionWithRequest delegate self is indeed having its retain count increased 1. If you're feeling brave and want to mess with the EXC_BAD_ACCESS..

NSURLConnection blocking wrapper implemented with semaphores [closed]


NSURLRequest requestWithURL url cachePolicy NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy timeoutInterval 10 NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self while self.lock.finished NSRunLoop currentRunLoop runMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate NSDate..

iPhone SDK: URL request not timing out


setCachePolicy NSURLCacheStorageAllowed request setTimeoutInterval kCONNECT_TIMEOUT self.connection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self assert self.connection nil This should get a callback to void connection NSURLConnection connection..

How to identify WHICH NSURLConnection did finish loading when there are multiple ones?


@interface Foo NSObject NSURLConnection connection1 NSURLConnection connection2 and connection1 NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request1 delegate self connection2 NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request2 delegate self and void connection NSURLConnection.. connection2 and connection1 NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request1 delegate self connection2 NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request2 delegate self and void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveData NSData data if connection connection1..

iOS: Download image from url and save in device


requestWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http a3.twimg.com profile_images 414797877 05052008321_bigger.jpg NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self NSArray paths NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains NSDocumentDirectory NSUserDomainMask YES NSString..

NSURLConnection still calls delegate AFTER cancel method has been called


cancel method has been called Having a problem with NSURLConnection if I create a NSURLConnection and call connection connectionWithRequest let it load a little then call connection cancel most of the time that works fine. However occasionally even after I call..

NSURLRequest cannot handle HTTP body when method is not POST?


encodedPayload dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding req setHTTPBody dataPayload NSURLConnection conn NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest req delegate self iphone cocoa nsurlrequest share improve this question I tried finding more recent information about..

JSON POST Request on the iPhone (Using HTTPS)


@ d requestData length forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setHTTPBody requestData NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request autorelease delegate self In my data received I'm just printing it to the console void connection NSURLConnection..

NSURLConnection and grand central dispatch


copy NSURL url NSURL URLWithString requestUrl NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest requestWithURL url NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self return self void dealloc data_ release completeBlock_ release errorBlock_ release super dealloc void..

Displaying an Image from URL Objective C


timeoutInterval 30 imageData NSMutableData new fetchImageConnection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest req delegate self fetchImageConnection retain void setImageFromDisk UIImage img self.image img void connection NSURLConnection..

dyld: Symbol not found: error how to resolve this issue


omuauf_lfve q lectures callback handleResponse retain NSURLConnection myConnection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self myConnection start void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse response..

How to download docx , pdf , image , pptx , or any file from a internet


NSURL URLWithString @ http myserver.com downloadTest testfile.pptx NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate self connection start void connection NSURLConnection connection didFailWithError NSError error inform..

Objective-C: Asynchronously populate UITableView - how to do this?


self void dealloc self setDelegate nil self setRequest nil self setData nil super dealloc void main NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest self request delegate self CFRunLoopRun void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSHTTPURLResponse..

how to send audio file through http post to a server from ios?


@ d requestData length forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Length request setHTTPBody requestData NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request autorelease delegate self iphone objective c ios xcode share improve this question I am using ASIHTTPRequest..

iOS4 Implementation of -[NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:]?


data connectionDelegate.queue queue connectionDelegate.handler handler NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest request delegate connectionDelegate NSAssert connection nil @implementation NSURLConnection SendAsync void load SEL..