

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:05:27

iphone Programming Glossary: connectionwithmediatype

iPhone AVFoundation camera orientation


sample program but even that doesn't do it. The code from my app is... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection CameraVC connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections imageCaptureOutput connections if videoConnection isVideoOrientationSupported videoConnection.. as the WWDC code and the code from the WWDC app is... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection AVCamDemoCaptureManager connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections self stillImageOutput connections if videoConnection isVideoOrientationSupported videoConnection.. for is... UIDevice currentDevice .orientation This goes in as so... AVCaptureConnection videoConnection CameraVC connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections imageCaptureOutput connections if videoConnection isVideoOrientationSupported videoConnection..

Video Recording using AVFoundation Framework iPhone?


withObject nil afterDelay 1.0 session startRunning void startRecording AVCaptureConnection videoConnection playVideo connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo fromConnections self movieFileOutput connections if videoConnection isVideoOrientationSupported videoConnection.. fileExistsAtPath outputPath NSLog @ file saved outputPath release return outputURL autorelease AVCaptureConnection connectionWithMediaType NSString mediaType fromConnections NSArray connections for AVCaptureConnection connection in connections for AVCaptureInputPort..

ios capturing image using AVFramework


set the minFrameDuration here So now use the following code to set the frame duration AVCaptureConnection conn output connectionWithMediaType AVMediaTypeVideo if conn.supportsVideoMinFrameDuration conn.videoMinFrameDuration CMTimeMake 5 1 if conn.supportsVideoMaxFrameDuration..