

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:05

iphone Programming Glossary: linewidth

UIView with a Dashed line


basically have an UIView and I do the following void setLayerToLineFromAToB CALayer layer CGPoint a CGPoint b CGFloat lineWidth CGPoint center 0.5 a.x b.x 0.5 a.y b.y CGFloat length sqrt a.x b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y CGFloat angle atan2 a.y b.y a.x.. b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y CGFloat angle atan2 a.y b.y a.x b.x layer.position center layer.bounds CGRect 0 0 length lineWidth lineWidth layer.transform CATransform3DMakeRotation angle 0 0 1 Note This code was found here on stackoverflow so if someone.. b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y CGFloat angle atan2 a.y b.y a.x b.x layer.position center layer.bounds CGRect 0 0 length lineWidth lineWidth layer.transform CATransform3DMakeRotation angle 0 0 1 Note This code was found here on stackoverflow so if someone can give..

Smoothing a rounded stroke in Core Graphics


to draw the playing cards with rounded corners similar to what you have. CGRect rect self bounds rect.size.width lineWidth rect.size.height lineWidth rect.origin.x lineWidth 2.0 rect.origin.y lineWidth 2.0 Add that before your calculation for.. with rounded corners similar to what you have. CGRect rect self bounds rect.size.width lineWidth rect.size.height lineWidth rect.origin.x lineWidth 2.0 rect.origin.y lineWidth 2.0 Add that before your calculation for minx midx maxx etc. and the.. similar to what you have. CGRect rect self bounds rect.size.width lineWidth rect.size.height lineWidth rect.origin.x lineWidth 2.0 rect.origin.y lineWidth 2.0 Add that before your calculation for minx midx maxx etc. and the strokes for your shape..

Drawing triangle/arrow on a line with CGContext


theContext renderedScale contents metersPerPixel float scale 1.0f contents metersPerPixel float scaledLineWidth lineWidth if scaleLineWidth scaledLineWidth renderedScale NSLog @ line width f content scale f scaledLineWidth renderedScale CGContextScaleCTM..

How to add an integer value into NSMutableArray?


to add an integer value into NSMutableArray NSMutableArray val val NSMutableArray alloc initWithCapacity 15 int outlineWidth barOutlineWidth int outlineHalfWidth outlineWidth 1 outlineWidth 0.5f 0 for Bar obj in values calcualte the bar size float.. value into NSMutableArray NSMutableArray val val NSMutableArray alloc initWithCapacity 15 int outlineWidth barOutlineWidth int outlineHalfWidth outlineWidth 1 outlineWidth 0.5f 0 for Bar obj in values calcualte the bar size float value obj value.. val val NSMutableArray alloc initWithCapacity 15 int outlineWidth barOutlineWidth int outlineHalfWidth outlineWidth 1 outlineWidth 0.5f 0 for Bar obj in values calcualte the bar size float value obj value float scale value maxValue shift..

want to add manual erasing option in ipad painting application by quartz


CGContextSetLineCap UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext kCGLineCapRound CGContextSetLineWidth UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext lineWidth CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext UIColor colorWithPatternImage img .CGColor CGContextSetFillColorWithColor..

What's the best approach to draw lines between views?


drawing. Edit Code to calculate layer properties void setLayerToLineFromAToB CALayer layer CGPoint a CGPoint b CGFloat lineWidth CGPoint center 0.5 a.x b.x 0.5 a.y b.y CGFloat length sqrt a.x b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y CGFloat angle atan2 a.y b.y a.x.. b.x a.x b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y CGFloat angle atan2 a.y b.y a.x b.x layer.position center layer.bounds CGRect 0 0 length lineWidth lineWidth layer.transform CATransform3DMakeRotation angle 0 0 1 2nd Edit Here's a simple test project which shows the dramatical.. b.x a.y b.y a.y b.y CGFloat angle atan2 a.y b.y a.x b.x layer.position center layer.bounds CGRect 0 0 length lineWidth lineWidth layer.transform CATransform3DMakeRotation angle 0 0 1 2nd Edit Here's a simple test project which shows the dramatical difference..

Why is UIBezierPath faster than Core Graphics path?


your CGPath directly is quite different to that setup by UIBezierPath. If you look at UIBezierPath it has settings for lineWidth lineJoinStyle lineCapStyle miterLimit and flatness When examining the call disassembly to path stroke you will note that.. cgpath Stroke each path CGContextSaveGState ctx configure context the same as uipath CGContextSetLineWidth ctx uipath.lineWidth CGContextSetLineJoin ctx uipath.lineJoinStyle CGContextSetLineCap ctx uipath.lineCapStyle CGContextSetMiterLimit ctx uipath.miterLimit..

iPhone Core Animation - Drawing a Circle


properties are not the same as the border properties on the layer. To change the width of the stroke you should use lineWidth instead of borderWitdh etc. Set up the shape of the circle int radius 100 CAShapeLayer circle CAShapeLayer layer Make a.. of the circle circle.fillColor UIColor clearColor .CGColor circle.strokeColor UIColor blackColor .CGColor circle.lineWidth 5 Add to parent layer self.view.layer addSublayer circle Configure animation CABasicAnimation drawAnimation CABasicAnimation..