

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:57

iphone Programming Glossary: namefield

Unable to add UITextField to UIAlertView on iOS7…works in iOS 6


ESC Score dialog setMessage @ dialog addButtonWithTitle @ Cancel dialog addButtonWithTitle @ OK dialog.tag 5 nameField UITextField alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setKeyboardType UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad nameField.. addButtonWithTitle @ OK dialog.tag 5 nameField UITextField alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setKeyboardType UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad nameField becomeFirstResponder nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor.. UITextField alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setKeyboardType UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad nameField becomeFirstResponder nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor dialog addSubview nameField CGAffineTransform moveUp..

UITextField in UIAlertView on iPhone - how to make it responsive?


self dialog setTitle @ Enter Name dialog addButtonWithTitle @ Cancel dialog addButtonWithTitle @ OK UITextField nameField UITextField alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor dialog addSubview.. dialog addButtonWithTitle @ OK UITextField nameField UITextField alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor dialog addSubview nameField CGAffineTransform moveUp CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation.. alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor dialog addSubview nameField CGAffineTransform moveUp CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation 0.0 100.0 dialog setTransform moveUp dialog show I also have the..

Getting text from UIAlertView


@ Enter Name dialog setMessage @ dialog addButtonWithTitle @ Cancel dialog addButtonWithTitle @ OK UITextField nameField UITextField alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor dialog addSubview.. dialog addButtonWithTitle @ OK UITextField nameField UITextField alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor dialog addSubview nameField dialog show data addObject nameField text mainTableView.. alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 20.0 45.0 245.0 25.0 nameField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor dialog addSubview nameField dialog show data addObject nameField text mainTableView reloadData However my app crashes because it says I'm attempting..

How to lose margin/padding in UITextView?


uikit uitextview share improve this question I ran into the exact same problem in the end I had to wind up using nameField.contentInset UIEdgeInsetsMake 4 8 0 0 where nameField is a UITextView. The font I happened to be using was Helvetica 16.. into the exact same problem in the end I had to wind up using nameField.contentInset UIEdgeInsetsMake 4 8 0 0 where nameField is a UITextView. The font I happened to be using was Helvetica 16 point. Its only a custom solution for the particular field.. the box its draw in. In addition this only seems to apply to UITextViews where you are using the default aligment ie. nameField.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft Align to the right for example and the UIEdgeInsetsMake seems to have no impact on the..

Populate the table view sections with rows of table in sqlite database in an order


NSString ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 0 autorelease NSString nameField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 1 autorelease NSString eventField NSString.. NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 3 autorelease label1.text ID label2.text nameField label3.text eventField label4.text dateField sqlite3_finalize statement sqlite3_close self.remindersDB cell addSubview..

Retrieve all rows inserted in sqlite database and display in table view cells containing labels as subviews with different sections


statement SQLITE_ROW ID NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 0 autorelease nameField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String const char sqlite3_column_text statement 1 autorelease eventField NSString alloc initWithUTF8String.. statement 3 autorelease sqlite3_finalize statement sqlite3_close self.remindersDB array addObject ID array addObject nameField array addObject eventField array addObject dateField self.theTable reloadData super viewWillAppear YES Now in UITableViewCell..