

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:57

iphone Programming Glossary: namely

Weak references inside a block


reference. What this means is that during your operation self may indeed be deallocated but all weak references to it namely weakSelf will be zeroed out. This means that weakSelf setImageViewImage image is just sending a message to nil which is..

iOS 6 - BluetoothManager framework - “NSObject” not found error


SDKs iPhoneOS6.0.sdk System Library PrivateFrameworks BluetoothManager.framework Created 4 header files in that folder namely BluetoothAudioJack.h BluetoothManager.h BluetoothDevice.h CTStructures.h I got these header files from here . Added BluetoothManager.framework..

NSArray with C types?


with C types I am wondering whether it's possible to use an NSArray NSMuatbleArray with C types as elements namely CGLayerRef If adding CGLayerRef objects to the NSMutableArray the code compiles but a warning is thrown warning passing..

How to Merge PDF file with Annotation


How to set up gcov for code coverage analysis in iPhone SDK?


UIScrollView and Cocos2D


are generated on a OpenGLView's subview like our UIScrollView and get propagated to the Cocos2D main touching area namely the OpenGLView by calling the following line inside the UIScrollView's touchesBegan method CCDirector sharedDirector openGLView..

Handling multiple UISwitch controls in a table view without using tag property


array will be put in the tag property of each UISwitch. However I'm ready using the tag property for something else namely to find the right control in the cell in cellForRowAtIndexPath with viewWithTag There are several things I need to set within..

Lauching App with URL (via UIApplicationDelegate's handleOpenURL) working under iOS 4, but not under iOS 3.2


solution in another post but I was confused because it contradicted the recommendation in iOS Ref Lib documentation namely that we should return YES in application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions . At that point I did not realize that the documentation..

When is viewDidLoad called?


is viewDidLoad called Is it safe to assume that an attribute namely fetchedResultsController of chatViewController an instance of a subclass of UITableViewController is always nil when viewDidLoad..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


is there http theexciter.com articles touches and uiscrollview inside a uitableview.html But it talks of old SDKs namely 2.2 and I'm sure there is a more recent approach to doing this. Some precisions I can scroll the UIScrollView with two fingers...

Extract object (*.o) files from an iPhone static library


That ™s because your CustomiPhoneLib.a is a fat library i.e. a library that contains more than one target architecture namely armv6 and armv7 on iOS. You can use lipo to extract a specific architecture into another .a file use ar and ranlib to manipulate..

How do I manage building a Lite vs Paid version of an iPhone app?


building a lite version of my iPhone app. I've found a few things on the web that talk about the process a bit namely http developer.apple.com tools XCode XCodeprojects.html http www.pacificspirit.com blog 2009 01 27 building_for_multiple_iphone_targets_in_xcode..

Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view


navigation controllers. The problem with this is that each nav controller needs to share a single root view controller namely the Accounts table in Tweetie this doesn't seem to work pushing the table controller to a second nav controller seems to..

fbDidLogin not called - iOS


not called iOS I'm trying to implement facebook to my iOS app for a school project however I ran into a bit of a snag namely the fbDidLogin method is not called. I have created a sample object called FBFetcher as so @interface FBFetcher NSObject..

iphone+Difference between nil,NIL and null


NULL struct TreeNode rootNode NULL NSNull is a class for objects that represent null. In fact there ™s only one object namely the one returned by NSNull null . It is different from nil because nil is a literal null value i.e. it isn ™t an object...

GLSL: Built-in attributes not accessible for iPhone Apps?


trying to start with some more advanced calculations for which I need to use some of the built in attributes of GLSL namely i.e. the gl_NormalMatrix but whenever I try that the program crashes and I get an ERROR 0 3 Use of undeclared identifier..

ASIHTTPRequest vs AFNetworking framework


do read on just bear in mind I would now recommend without a doubt not using ASI and going with something more modern namely ASI . Original Answer December 2011 How much time have you got Here's my thoughts although as a subjective question I don't..