

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:11:57

iphone Programming Glossary: navigated

What are possible/good ways to prototype iPhone applications?


but has hyperlinks to get around in. This would mean static data. Build screens which look great but can only be navigated in a story board type fashion. Load the web version or equivalent on the iPhone and say now image the buttons and navigation..

Optimizing iPhone Application Launch Time


recommends you lazy load every view. I.e. only load the first page on start up and other pages only when they are navigated to. In terms of graphics use PNGs wherever possible as the device is heavily optimized for this format. Also include the..

Can somebody explain the process of a UIViewController birth (which method follows which)?


viewDidLoad viewController viewWillAppear viewController viewDidAppear ... viewController viewWillDisappear user navigated away viewController viewDidDisappear ... viewController viewWillAppear user navigated back viewController viewDidAppear.. viewWillDisappear user navigated away viewController viewDidDisappear ... viewController viewWillAppear user navigated back viewController viewDidAppear ... viewController viewWillDisappear user navigated away viewController viewDidDisappear.. viewWillAppear user navigated back viewController viewDidAppear ... viewController viewWillDisappear user navigated away viewController viewDidDisappear ... viewController setView nil memory warning perhaps viewController viewDidUnload..

Does Apple reject “mobile web shell” applications?


a barebones browser with no address bar or anything. So basically the app will be just the same as if the user had navigated there in Safari sans normal browser controls . My question is does Apple reject this sort of app because of it just being..

Understanding iOS Instruments


Call Trees on the bottom right pane and kept drilling until I found a few places where the object counter went up as I navigated back and forth. Notice that you can double click on the symbol to see the details related to the calls made to the processor...