

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:51

iphone Programming Glossary: preparetoplay

Override ringer volume in iPhone apps


your app runs or view or the app delegate you have initialize a AVAudioPlayer give it a file to play and set it to prepareToPlay it... This is what i did in my main View that is used to load other views as subviews in the header file #import AVFoundation.. NSURL URLWithString NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ something ofType @ caf error nil volumeOverridePlayer prepareToPlay ... Just leave the player prepared to play your file and enjoy your own volume control without having to play the sounds..

MPMoviePlayerController repeat mode not working in viewDidLoad


initWithContentURL url self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated playerController playerController.moviePlayer prepareToPlay playerController.moviePlayer.movieSourceType MPMovieSourceTypeFile playerController.moviePlayer.controlStyle MPMovieControlStyleNone.. moviePlayerController MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc initWithContentURL fileUrl moviePlayerController.moviePlayer prepareToPlay moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setRepeatMode MPMovieRepeatModeOne moviePlayerController.moviePlayer setControlStyle MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded..

Using AVCaptureSession and AVAudioPlayer together


error nil fileURL release self.audioPlayer newPlayer newPlayer release audioPlayer setDelegate self audioPlayer prepareToPlay audioPlayer play iphone ios ipad avfoundation share improve this question I fixed the problem by setting up the audio..

UIWebView Movie Player getting dismissed iOS 6 bug


this is the code im using My only problem is that with a UIWebView I can't set up an MPMoviePlayerController to prepareToPlay . At least not as far as my knowledge goes. If anyone can help fix this problem that would be amazing iphone ios uiwebview..

playing a .caf file: works fine in simulator but not in iPhone


error nil if self.soundFileURL isFileURL printf isFileURL n self.player newPlayer newPlayer release player prepareToPlay player setDelegate self recorderLabel.text @ Playing.. player play printf playing.. n The debugger out put is file localhost..

how to provide only one view with landscape for MPMoviePlayerController in IOS6


name UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification object UIApplication sharedApplication self.playercontroller prepareToPlay self.view addSubview self.playercontroller.view self.playercontroller setFullscreen YES animated YES self.playercontroller..

Play MP3 Files with iPhone SDK


alloc initWithContentsOfURL soundFileURL error nil self.appSoundPlayer newPlayer newPlayer release appSoundPlayer prepareToPlay appSoundPlayer setVolume 1.0 appSoundPlayer setDelegate self appSoundPlayer play stopbutton setEnabled YES playbutton setEnabled.. NO pausebutton touch up inside #pragma mark #pragma mark resume IBAction resumeaction appSoundPlayer prepareToPlay appSoundPlayer setVolume 1.0 appSoundPlayer setDelegate self appSoundPlayer play playbutton.hidden YES resumebutton.hidden..

Play multiple audio files using AVAudioPlayer


and dealloc old file if new file is loaded newAudio release release the audio safely theAudio.delegate self theAudio prepareToPlay theAudio setNumberOfLoops 0 theAudio play where YOURINDEXNUMBER is whatever track # you wanna play remember 0 track01 1..

Download and play mp3 file from url with iphone application


_objectData error error audioPlayer.numberOfLoops 1 audioPlayer.delegate self audioPlayer.volume 1.0f audioPlayer prepareToPlay if audioPlayer nil NSLog @ @ error description else audioPlayer play Don't forget to release the player at some point audioPlayer..

Writing an app to stream video to iPhone


MPMoviePlayerController moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL videoURL moviePlayer prepareToPlay moviePlayer play self.view addSubview moviePlayer.view You need to handle the controller that display the video player's..

iphone: playing audio playlist in the background?


NSLog error description else UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier newTaskId UIBackgroundTaskInvalid mainController.audioPlayer prepareToPlay if mainController.audioPlayer play newTaskId UIApplication sharedApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler NULL..

How do you make an iPhone beep?


initWithContentsOfURL fileURL error nil Preloads the buffer and prepares the audio for playing. self.audioPlayer prepareToPlay filePath release fileURL release IBAction play Make sure the audio is at the start of the stream. self.audioPlayer.currentTime..

MPMoviePlayerController and HTTP Live Streaming


mp setMovieSourceType MPMovieSourceTypeStreaming mp setFullscreen YES self.view addSubview mp view mp prepareToPlay mp play Actually the controller recieves MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification without playing anything. Where is the..

MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)


UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight __moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay NO __moviePlayer prepareToPlay self.view addSubview __moviePlayer.view ... this does work perfectly unless user switches to fullscreen playback where I..

Text-to-speech on iPhone [closed]


path player AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path error err player.volume 0.4f player prepareToPlay player setNumberOfLoops 0 player play The voiceover framework from Apple is private and can only used on for accessibility...

AVAudioPlayer error loading file


alloc initWithContentsOfURL soundURL error error tickPlayer setDelegate self tickPlayer setNumberOfLoops 0 tickPlayer prepareToPlay if tickPlayer nil NSLog @ @ error description else tickPlayer play Do I somehow have the file in the wrong place I just..

program access to iPhone volume buttons


and are still there The only way to do this now is to have an AVAudioPlayer prepared to play but not playing player prepareToPlay . This seems to take care of adjusting the app's volume according to the rocker buttons. There's no other published way..