

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:52

iphone Programming Glossary: preset

get iphone ID in web app


For whatever reason the process is EXTREMELY particulary about how your server responds when it sends the user to your preset URL. After many tries I believe that your receiving url MUST be a .php file. This sounds nuts but I'm serious. PHP was about..

Blank black screen when running my iPad App


pathForResource @ MainMenuOptions ofType @ plist retain viewDidLoad from DetailView.m void viewDidLoad Initialize the preset things. NSLog @ Detail This self @ self eleDetailToolbar.barStyle UIBarStyleBlack eleWebView.opaque NO eleWebView.backgroundColor..

iPhone SDK 4 AVFoundation - How to use captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection correctly?


BGRA it doesn't appear to have the colour subsampling of 2vuy 420v . The video everything that isn't Photo and Photo presets seem fundamentally different you never get any video frames if the session is in photo mode you don't get an error either.. don't get an error either . Maybe they changed this... You can't seem to have two capture sessions one with a video preset and a video output one with Photo preset and an image output . They might have fixed this. You can stop the session change.. changed this... You can't seem to have two capture sessions one with a video preset and a video output one with Photo preset and an image output . They might have fixed this. You can stop the session change the preset to photo start the session..

Can use AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput at the same time?


scope to ensure I'm given incoming CMSampleBuffers AVCaptureSession captureSession alloc and init set your preferred preset etc AVCaptureDevice captureDevice default for video probably AVCaptureDeviceInput deviceInput input with device as above..

keyboard in UIActionSheet does not type anything


@interface ModalAction NSObject NSString ask NSString question withTextPrompt NSString prompt textPreset NSString preset dockToView UIView toView @end ModalAction.m #import ModalAction.h #define TEXT_FIELD_TAG 9999 #define ACTION_SHEET_TAG 8888.. @end @implementation ModalAction NSString textQueryWith NSString question prompt NSString prompt textPreset NSString preset button1 NSString button1 button2 NSString button2 forView UIView toView Create action sheet CFRunLoopRef currentLoop.. UITextBorderStyleRoundedRect textField.tag TEXT_FIELD_TAG textField.placeholder prompt textField.text preset textField.delegate madelegate textField.clearButtonMode UITextFieldViewModeWhileEditing textField.keyboardType UIKeyboardTypeAlphabet..

Caching with AVPlayer and AVAssetExportSession


mediaAsset self.player.currentItem.asset AVAssetExportSession es AVAssetExportSession alloc initWithAsset mediaAsset presetName AVAssetExportPresetLowQuality NSString outPath NSTemporaryDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ out.mp4 NSFileManager.. apple_ref doc uid TP40010717 CH1 SW4 I've tried a number of modifications to your code such as getting the preset name and file type from the list of those available but I'm getting the same error you are. So I decided to try a lower..

iOS CVImageBuffer distorted from AVCaptureSessionDataOutput with AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto


from this session its resolution will also be 640x480. I want it to be high resolution so in step one I change the preset line to captureSession setSessionPreset AVCaptureSessionPresetPhoto This correctly captures still images at the highest.. the video preview as received by the delegate in steps 5 and 6 now looks like this I've confirmed that every other preset High medium low 640x480 and 1280x720 previews as intended. However the Photo preset seems to send buffer data in a different.. I've confirmed that every other preset High medium low 640x480 and 1280x720 previews as intended. However the Photo preset seems to send buffer data in a different format. I've also confirmed that the data being sent to the buffer at the Photo..

iPhone 4 profile power consumption (with instruments)


in the status bar linear or is there some non linearity towards the end of the battery life Edit I found a power preset in xcode product profile CPU Energy diagnostics. It doesn't seem to work perfectly as the power consumption level is always..

XCode: Displaying a UIDatePicker when user clicks on UITextbox


void initializationCodeMethod _datePicker UIDatePicker alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320 0 All pickers have preset height self.bounds _datePicker.frame Make our view same size as picker self addSubview _datePicker _datePicker addTarget..

AVCaptureSession specify resolution and quality of captured images obj-c iphone app


Setting AVMutableComposition's frameDuration


avassetexportsession avmutablecomposition share improve this question It seems that the AVAssetExportSession preset takes precedence over the AVVideoComposition frameDuration . I've opened a bug report http openradar.appspot.com 11127156..