

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:12

iphone Programming Glossary: recreated

Delete/Reset all entries in Core Data?


defaultManager removeItemAtPath storeURL.path error error Then just add the persistent store back to ensure it is recreated properly. The programmatic way for iterating through each entity is both slower and prone to error. The use for doing it..

When should I release objects in -(void)viewDidUnload rather than in -dealloc?


these objects ensures they will be deallocated as well to free memory. The objects that you release here are usually recreated and set again when the UIViewController's view is re loaded either from a Nib or through an implementation of loadView ...

iOS 6 - viewDidUnload migrate to didReceiveMemoryWarning?


Builder would put that there for us and do the general freeing of memory e.g. clearing of caches releasing of easily recreated model data etc. in didReceiveMemoryWarning . If that's the way you do it then you probably don't require any code changes... in didReceiveMemoryWarning or anything like that. But if you were responding to low memory events by releasing easily recreated model objects emptying caches etc. in viewDidUnload then that stuff should definitely move to didReceiveMemoryWarning ... already. Finally if you free anything in didReceiveMemoryWarning just make sure your code doesn't rely upon them being recreated in viewDidLoad again when you pop back because that will not be called since the view itself was never unloaded . As applefreak..

UIAlertView crashes when added to app


startAnimating void didReceiveMemoryWarning super didReceiveMemoryWarning Dispose of any resources that can be recreated. IBAction showMessage id sender UIAlertView message UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Hello World message @ This is your..

How to renew an iPhone development certificate?


it Do you revoke the expired certificate submit a new Certificate Signing Request Do provisioning profiles have to be recreated Are there any side effects of doing this iphone iphone sdk 3.0 certificate share improve this question If the certificate..

UITableView issue when using separate delegate/dataSource


the solution. iphone objective c cocoa touch uitableview share improve this question I followed your steps recreated the project and ran into the same problem. Basically you are almost there. There are 2 things missing once fixed it works..

Dismiss popover using UIbutton


any cached data images etc. that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand. For example self.myOutlet nil self.myPopoverController nil void dealloc myPopoverController..

Parsing XML code on iphone SDK


any cached data images etc that aren't in use. void viewDidUnload Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand. For example self.myOutlet nil void dealloc super dealloc currentElement release rssParser release..

A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found for debug mode


device is selected in the profile and i am selecting the correct profile from Target's code signing identity menu. I recreated provisioning profile for several times and also removed and reinstalled it and recreated the project but i am getting that.. code signing identity menu. I recreated provisioning profile for several times and also removed and reinstalled it and recreated the project but i am getting that whenever i try to debug on device. btw the adhoc distribution provision profile works...

how to create custom tableViewCell from xib


editRow #pragma mark #pragma mark View lifecycle void viewDidUnload Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand. For example self.myOutlet nil self.editRow nil @end in my code UITableViewCell tableView UITableView..

Storing In App Purchase receipts in the application Keychain


app purchases in a cracked state. Once the first purchase is made the bundle can be distributed and the .plist can be recreated to enable IAP unlocks. I'd like to extend MKStoreKit to create the In App Purchase validation data in the iOS keychain...

IOS 4.3 UINavigationBar tintColor Leaks


Decompiling iOS Objective-C binaries [duplicate]


yes I've checked the Market there's no such application like the one I want to recreate and is actually almost totally recreated I only need a converter or a parser for these iOS specific files . iphone android objective c decompiling share improve..

XCode could not find a valid private certificate/valid key-pair for this profile in your keychain [duplicate]


profiles and you are good to go. The only irreplaceable thing is your ADC account. All the rest can be restored or recreated. I would also recommend that you use the fancy new automatic provisioning built into Xcode. That saves you the headache..

Xcode 4 and jailbroken iPhone


to the backup file that sed generated. EDIT 2 Should have played about a bit more before asking here I guess... I recreated another developer certificate and replace the relevant contents of the SDKSettings.plist with this key AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED..

Crash when adding persistent store (iCloud enabled) in app delegate


this but my suspicion is that the transaction log becomes corrupted or more likely the container of the log itself is recreated. This would be like device A posting changes to container A and device B doing the same as opposed to both posting to container..

iOS 5 does not allow to store downloaded data in Documents directory?


iOS 5.0. For this I read the guideline from Apple and found that Only user generated data or that cannot otherwise be recreated by your application should be stored in the Documents directory and rest should be stored to Library Caches directory In..