

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:56

iphone Programming Glossary: setcontentsize

UIScrollView ImageView with pins on top


imageViewMap.image.size.height viewRect CGRectMake 0 0 2976 3928 scrollView addSubview imageViewMap scrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake viewRect.size.width viewRect.size.height iconsView UIView alloc initWithFrame imageViewMap.frame scrollView addSubview..

how to disable horizontal scrolling of scrollview iphone?


the width of the screen then you could do this CGSize scrollableSize CGSizeMake 320 myScrollableHeight myScrollView setContentSize scrollableSize The UIScrollView will then only scroll vertically because it can already display everything horizontally...

Center content of UIScrollView when smaller


UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed @ WeCanDoIt.png imageView setTag ZOOM_VIEW_TAG imageScrollView setContentSize imageView frame .size imageScrollView addSubview imageView CGSize imageSize imageView.image.size imageView release CGSize..

Loop an UIScrollView [duplicate]


count 1 LEFT_EDGE_OFSET 0 WIDTH_OF_IMAGE HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE scrollView addSubview imageView imageView release scrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake WIDTH_OF_SCROLL_PAGE slideImages count 2 HEIGHT_OF_IMAGE scrollView setContentOffset CGPointMake 0 0 self.view..

how to make an ImageView zoomable with or without ScrollView.?


UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit self.mapScrollView addSubview self.mapImageView self.mapScrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake self.mapImageView.frame.size.width self.mapImageView.frame.size.height self.mapScrollView setMinimumZoomScale..

uiscrollview not scrolling horizontally


alloc initWithFrame HolderView.frame scrHorizontalScroll setBackgroundColor UIColor redColor scrHorizontalScroll setContentSize CGSizeMake 999 150 scrHorizontalScroll setScrollEnabled YES HolderView addSubview scrHorizontalScroll scrHorizontalScroll..

Problem dealloc'ing memory used by UIImageViews with fairly large image in an UIScrollView


maxYLoc frame.origin.y maxYLoc frame.size.height return maxYLoc void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self.scrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake 320 self findHeight self.scrollView setCanCancelContentTouches NO self.scrollView.indicatorStyle UIScrollViewIndicatorStyleWhite..

How I auto size a UIScrollView to fit the content


way to make a UIScrollView auto adjust to the height or width of the content it's scrolling Something like scrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake 320 content.height iphone ios objective c cocoa touch uiscrollview share improve this question UIScrollView.. scrollViewHeight 0.0f for UIView view in scrollView.subviews scrollViewHeight view.frame.size.height scrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake 320 scrollViewHeight But this only work if the views are one below the other. If you have a view next to each..

contentsize and contentOffset equivalent in NSScroll view


share improve this question UIScrollView uiScroll uiScroll contentSize uiScroll contentOffset uiScroll setContentSize CGSizeMake w h uiScroll setContentOffset CGPointMake x y NSScrollView nsScroll nsScroll documentView size nsScroll documentVisibleRect..

Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top


too hacky and I think it destroys the responsiveness of the UI. One proper way Use a UITableView subclass and override setContentSize in which you can by some means calculate how much the table view is pushed down and offset that by setting contentOffset.. to handle the simplest situation where all insertions happen at the top of table view @implementation MyTableView void setContentSize CGSize contentSize I don't want move the table view during its initial loading of content. if CGSizeEqualToSize self.contentSize..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 tableView.frame.size.width kvcPreviewScrollViewHeight previewScrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake 1000 kvcPreviewScrollViewHeight cell contentView addSubview previewScrollView previewPageControl UIPageControl..

iOS: how to change the size of the UIScrollView content?


much into my text field I call delegate which is viewcontroller to change size. To do that I simply write scrollView setContentSize newSize And what I get is increasing of the scroll view but not my text field just blank lines appears. I think I need to.. Assuming you want to start at the top left corner of the scroll view. Change CGPointZero as appropriate scrollView setContentSize newSize Change scroll view's content size self setFrame newFrame Change views actual size Part 2 setNeedsDisplay marks the..

unrecognized selector sent to instance


curXLoc kScrollObjWidth kScrollObjPadding set the content size so it can be scrollable self.bestSellScrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake 150 kScrollObjWidth self.bestSellScrollView bounds .size.height @end @interface HomeViewController HomeViewControllerBase..

Horizontal UIScrollView and hundreds of thumbnail images in iOS?


ios ipad share improve this question You can add all the thumbnails programatically to your scrollview and use the setContentSize method of UIScrollView. you have to pass 2 values in contentOffset. 1 for width and 1 for height. Please follow link to..

Photos app-like gap between pages in UIScrollView with pagingEnabled


480 myScrollView addSubview leftView myScrollView addSubview rightView myScrollView addSubview centerView myScrollView setContentSize CGSizeMake kViewFrameWidth 3 0 myScrollView setContentOffset CGPointMake kViewFrameWidth 0 leftView release rightView release..