

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:08

iphone Programming Glossary: typeattribute

In Objective-C Determine if a Property is an int, float, double, NSString, NSDate, NSNumber, etc


typeString NSString stringWithUTF8String type NSArray attributes typeString components separatedByString @ NSString typeAttribute attributes objectAtIndex 0 NSString propertyType typeAttribute substringFromIndex 1 const char rawPropertyType propertyType.. typeString components separatedByString @ NSString typeAttribute attributes objectAtIndex 0 NSString propertyType typeAttribute substringFromIndex 1 const char rawPropertyType propertyType UTF8String if strcmp rawPropertyType @encode float 0 it's a.. for you is probably simplest. edit extracting the type From the code above you can extract the class name like so if typeAttribute hasPrefix @ T@ typeAttribute length 1 NSString typeClassName typeAttribute substringWithRange NSMakeRange 3 typeAttribute..