

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:09

iphone Programming Glossary: typeof

Uiscrollview lazy loading


int index int arrayIndex index int tagNumber index 1 ALAsset asset self.assetsArray objectAtIndex arrayIndex __weak typeof self weakSelf self dispatch_async dispatch_get_global_queue DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND 0 ^ UIImage tmpImage UIImage.. 0 ^ UIImage tmpImage UIImage alloc initWithCGImage asset.defaultRepresentation.fullScreenImage __strong __typeof__ weakSelf strongSelf weakSelf if strongSelf.scrollView viewWithTag tagNumber nil dispatch_async dispatch_get_main_queue.. weakSelf if strongSelf.scrollView viewWithTag tagNumber nil dispatch_async dispatch_get_main_queue ^ __strong __typeof__ weakSelf strongSelf weakSelf if strongSelf.scrollView viewWithTag tagNumber nil UIImageView tmpImageView UIImageView..

Calling javascript from objective-c code


link JavaScript to your native Obj C code right If so you simply do this NSString script @ function __wrapper return typeof webNodeEvent function __wrapper id resultObj nodeScriptObject evaluateWebScript script if resultObj boolValue its there..

apply style to range of text with javascript in uiwebview


that browser. I plan to work on an IE version soon. script type text javascript var nextId 0 var rangeIntersectsNode typeof window.Range undefined Range.prototype.intersectsNode function range node return range.intersectsNode node function range..

XCODE trying to search and replace in localy loaded html


type 'text javascript' function findAndReplace searchText replacement alert 'pokrecemo find and replace' if searchText typeof replacement 'undefined' Throw error here if you want... alert 'govno greska u parametrima' return ## Heading ## var regex.. 'undefined' Throw error here if you want... alert 'govno greska u parametrima' return ## Heading ## var regex typeof searchText 'string' new RegExp searchText 'g' searchText childNodes document.body.childNodes cnLength childNodes.length..

Jquery-ui sortable doesn't work on touch devices based on Android or IOS


caused by jquery.ui so that mouseHandled internal flag is reset before each touchStart event function .support.touch typeof Touch 'object' if .support.touch return var proto .ui.mouse.prototype _mouseInit proto._mouseInit .extend proto _mouseInit..

iOS5 show numeric keypad by default without using type=“number” or type=“tel”


jQuery '#number field' .on 'focus' function event var el jQuery this var display jQuery '#number container value' if typeof el.data 'storedVal' 'undefined' el.val el.data 'storedVal' display.html '' .on 'blur' function event var el jQuery this..

Stop the touchstart performing too quick when scrolling


var self this self.removeClass self.data 'tappable role' .bind 'click' function var self this goTo self.data 'goto' if typeof goTo 'undefined' window.location goTo When scrolling it will assign the class to the element when I've barely touched.. self.data 'tappable role' .bind 'click' function clearTimeout currentTapped var self this goTo self.data 'goto' if typeof goTo 'undefined' window.location goTo How can I do this the effective way Demo #1 with setTimeout . Demo #2 with no setTimeout.. self.removeClass self.data 'tappable role' .off 'touchend' .click function var self this goTo self.data 'goto' if typeof goTo 'undefined' window.location goTo 'div a span' .filter ' tappable data tappable role ' .on 'touchstart' this nextEvent..