

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:09

iphone Programming Glossary: typo

SimpleAudioEngine, playing .caf files [duplicate]


share improve this question I think it is afconvert not fconvert as metioned in your question. I believe that was a typo right I don't see obvious problem on your command line. I usually use afconvert f caff d LEI16@22050 sound.wav to convert..

What's the right way to add a ToolBar to a UITableView?


How to pass digit or data from subclassed UIView to UIViewController?


Though not necessary to have an instance variable with the same name I would definitely not have it with a slight typo because it will cause a lot of problems later. When you define a protocol for a delegate the methods you have defined there..

Accessing objects in NSMutableDictionary by index


ARC Semantic Issue: No visible @interface for Class declares the selector


in the classes from i am accessing these methods of TheFeedStore class. 2 I have checked like 10 times and there is no typo. 3 The methods i am accessing are also declared in the header file of TheFeedStore.h UPDATE Just to check i have declared.. in your header files the methods that you are trying to access are declared in the header files and there are no typos of any kind. In such cases usually no body points this issue but i am going to do it anyway because i have faced such issues..

CALayers didn't get resized on its UIView's bounds change. Why?


ios objective c uiview calayer share improve this question I used the same approach that Solin used but there's a typo in that code. The method should be void layoutSubviews resize your layers based on the view's new bounds mylayer.frame self.bounds..

if (self = [super init]) vs. if ((self = [super init]))


iPhone Facebook Video Upload


on GitHub. There are many pull requests but the official developers never seem to merge anything not even trivial typo fixes in the documentation. Most of the time the pull requests simply sit there until rejected. And yes did I mention that..

Titanium Mobile local notification crashes


answer... Here is the crash report header https gist.github.com 956064 Is this is a somewhat documented problem EDIT typo in code. iphone mobile notifications local titanium share improve this question I cannot speak one way or the other..

draw a line in UIImageView problem


iphone cocoa touch uikit core graphics share improve this question I am sure you are done with this but you have a typo. CGContextAddLineToPoint ctx currentPoint.x lastPoint.y should be CGContextAddLineToPoint ctx lastPoint.x lastPoint.y ..

How to resolve Phonegap error while Building the app


application through xocde 4.3 iphone xcode share improve this question Ran into the same problem seems there is a typo in their production code. You need to change 'NSEC_PER_MSEC' to 'NSEC_PER_SEC' and it should work fine... share improve..

Syntax help - Variable as object name [duplicate]


in the Objective C language and in general it's not going to be a very practical way of referring to data what if you typo a string the compiler won't be able to catch it . I won't get into second guessing what you actually want to do that would..

Blur an UIImage on change of slider
