

java Programming Glossary: buffer_size

Java TCP socket: data transfer is slow


to it sock new Socket sock.setReceiveBufferSize RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE sock.setSendBufferSize SEND_BUFFER_SIZE sock.connect new InetSocketAddress.. RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE sock.setSendBufferSize SEND_BUFFER_SIZE sock.connect new InetSocketAddress serverAddr newPort System.out.println.. final String largeFile home dr test.dat REPLACE final int BUFFER_SIZE 65536 new Thread new Runnable public void run try ServerSocket..

How to play .wav files with java


public class MakeSound private final int BUFFER_SIZE 128000 private File soundFile private AudioInputStream audioStream.. 1 sourceLine.start int nBytesRead 0 byte abData new byte BUFFER_SIZE while nBytesRead 1 try nBytesRead audioStream.read abData..

Reading website's contents into string


public final class TextURL private static final int BUFFER_SIZE 1024 10 private static final int ZERO 0 private final byte dataBuffer.. final int ZERO 0 private final byte dataBuffer new byte BUFFER_SIZE private final URL urlObject public TextURL String urlString.. int bytesRead ZERO while bytesRead in.read dataBuffer ZERO BUFFER_SIZE ZERO sb.append new String dataBuffer ZERO bytesRead catch..