

java Programming Glossary: em.createquery

How to query an M:N relationship with JPA2?


cq.distinct true cq.where predicate TypedQuery BlogPost tq em.createQuery cq return tq.getResultList This solution makes use of the canonical..

JPA & Criteria API - Select only specific columns


using metamodel List Tuple tupleResult em.createQuery cq .getResultList for Tuple t tupleResult Long id Long t.get.. EntityClazz_.VERSION using metamodel List T result em.createQuery cq .getResultList See this link for further reference. share..

Hibernate Criteria API - adding a criterion: string should be in collection


Foobar foobar cq.from Foobar.class TypedQuery Foobar q em.createQuery cq.select foobar .where b.isMember abc123 foobar. List String..

Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue


readOnly true public Collection getAll return Collection em.createQuery SELECT t FROM Trainee t .getResultList persistence.xml persistence..

Is there a portable way to have “SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM T” semantic?


Query#setFirstResult and Query#setMaxResults . List users em.createQuery SELECT u FROM User u ORDER BY u.id .setFirstResult 0 Index of..

select from two tables using JPQL


can get data using the statement List persons null persons em.createQuery select p.albumName from PhotoAlbum p Roleuser r where r p.userId.. roleuser's row named firstname I'm using the query persons em.createQuery select r.firstName p.albumName from PhotoAlbum p Roleuser r..

Complex queries with JPA criteria builder


.where p .orderBy cb.asc r.get id List Tuple result em.createQuery cq .getResultList Or with metamodel typesafe but a bit wordy..

@PersistenceUnit annotation won't create an EntityManageFactory emf=null


System.out.println Entity manager emf Query query em.createQuery SELECT t FROM Tag t ORDER BY t.refCount DESC t.tag List Tag..

JPA2: Case-insensitive like matching anywhere


lastname builder.asc root.get firstname Execute return em.createQuery query . setMaxResults PAGE_SIZE 1 . setFirstResult page 1 PAGE_SIZE..

PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException


get @Produces application json public List get return em.createQuery from TestEntity .getResultList When the get method is invoked..

IN-clause in HQL or Java Persistence Query Language


work fine String jpql from A where name in names Query q em.createQuery jpql q.setParameter names l For Hibernate's you'll need to use..