

java Programming Glossary: employees

JTree: Set custom open/closed icons for individual groups


name public int id public boolean isBoss public Employee employees public Employee String name boolean isBoss this.name name this.isBoss.. true Employee level1 new Employee 5 bigBoss.employees level1 for int i 0 i level1.length i level1 i new Employee Employee.randomName.. employee level1 i if employee.isBoss int count 5 employee.employees new Employee count for int j 0 j employee.employees.length j..

Efficient way to do batch INSERTS with JDBC


PreparedStatement ps c.prepareStatement INSERT INTO employees VALUES ps.setString 1 John ps.setString 2 Doe ps.addBatch ps.clearParameters..

Configuring Spring Security 3.x to have multiple entry points


requires 2 sets of user authentication one to authenticate employees against LDAP and another to authenticate customer against database... radio button field for users to choose whether they are employees or customers. j_username user field. j_password password field...

How to access a java object in javascript from JSP?


. But not sure how to do this. JSP c forEach items employees var employee option value employee.id onclick displayCV employee.employeeName.. like this is JavaScript code written in the JSP var employees c forEach items employees var employee employee.id name employee.employeeName.. code written in the JSP var employees c forEach items employees var employee employee.id name employee.employeeName cv employee.employeeCV..

Spring 3 MVC: one-to-many within a dynamic form (add/remove on create/update)


. Practice A working full example an employer has many employees an employee has one employer. Entities Employer.java @Entity.. lastname private String company private List Employee employees one to many getters setters Employee.java @Entity @Table name.. EmployerController Manage dynamically added or removed employees private List Employee manageEmployees Employer employer Store..