

java Programming Glossary: email

Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection


as the parameters public insertUser String name String email Connection conn null PreparedStatement stmt null try conn setupTheDatabaseConnectionSomehow.. stmt conn.prepareStatement INSERT INTO person name email values stmt.setString 1 name stmt.setString 2 email stmt.executeUpdate.. name email values stmt.setString 1 name stmt.setString 2 email stmt.executeUpdate finally try if stmt null stmt.close catch..

How should I validate an e-mail address on Android?


already or would I have to use RegExp java android email validation share improve this question Don't use a reg ex...

What is the point of the class Option[T]?


for the people who get it already. for person getUsers email person.getEmail Assuming getEmail returns Option String yield..

Where to place configuration properties files in a JSP/Servlet web application?


web application In my web application I have to send email to set of predefined users like finance@xyz.com so I wish to..

Right way to implement equals contract


object called User . Properties of user include ssoId name email createdBy createdDate and userRole. Of these ssoId must be unique.. with same sso id but with different values for say name or email or both. Should I change my equals contract to check the equality..

Difference between Statement and PreparedStatement


connection.prepareStatement INSERT INTO Person name email birthdate photo VALUES preparedStatement.setString 1 person.getName.. connection.prepareStatement INSERT INTO Person name email VALUES ' person.getName ' ' person.getEmail ' preparedStatement.executeUpdate.. connection.prepareStatement INSERT INTO Person name email birthdate photo VALUES setValues preparedStatement person.getName..

How to send an email by Java application using Gmail/ Yahoo/ Hotmail


to send an email by Java application using Gmail Yahoo Hotmail Is it possible.. using Gmail Yahoo Hotmail Is it possible to send an email from my Java application using a Gmail account I have configured.. configured my company mail server with Java app to send email but that's not going to cut it when I distribute the application...

Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec


I'd like to be able to run a few command lines and email the results of them to myself. I've found Runtime.exec will..

Is it safe to use a static java.sql.Connection instance in a multithreaded system?


statement connection.prepareStatement SELECT id username email FROM user WHERE username AND password md5 statement.setString.. username user.setEmail resultSet.getString email finally if resultSet null try resultSet.close catch SQLException..

Json - Java Object to Json


I use for this œMyResult œAccountID 2345 User Name blah blah Email œblah@blah.com Result Course œblah Score 0.0 java json java.. @XmlElement name Name private String name @XmlElement name Email private String email Result package forum11001458 import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement.. Output MyResult AccountID 12345 User Name blah blah Email blah@blah.com Result Course blah Score 10.0 share improve..

SwingWorker in Java [closed]


is clicked a JDialog will appear with another JButton Send Email this would represent the email dialog When the JButton on the.. new BorderLayout JButton sendMailBtn new JButton Send Email sendMailBtn.addActionListener new ActionListener @Override..

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/mail/Authenticator, whats wrong?


javax mail Authenticator whats wrong Send to Email.java package helper Mail.java smtp sending starttls ssl authentication.. javax.mail.internet. import java.util. public class sendToEmail String d_email sample@gmail.com d_password mysamplepassword.. trial m_text Hey this is the testing email. public sendToEmail String strEmailAddress Properties props new Properties props.put..

JavaFx tableview sort is really slow how to improve sort speed as in java swing


Person String emailCol new TableColumn Person String Email emailCol.setMinWidth 200 emailCol.setCellValueFactory new PropertyValueFactory.. addLastName.setPromptText Last Name final TextField addEmail new TextField addEmail.setMaxWidth emailCol.getPrefWidth addEmail.setPromptText.. Last Name final TextField addEmail new TextField addEmail.setMaxWidth emailCol.getPrefWidth addEmail.setPromptText Email..

JTable How to refresh table model after insert delete or update the data


is my jTable private JTable getJTable String colName Name Email Contact No. 1 Contact No. 2 Group if jTable null jTable new.. String 7 data 0 list.get i .getName data 1 list.get i .getEmail data 2 list.get i .getPhone1 data 3 list.get i .getPhone2..

How to send html email to outlook from Java


mail.smtp.host mailserver props.put mail.smtp.from fromEmail props.put mail.smtp.auth authentication props.put mail.smtp.port.. FROM and TO fields message.setFrom new InternetAddress fromEmail displayName message.setRecipients Message.RecipientType.TO InternetAddress.parse.. JavaMail directly I recommend using the Jakarta Commons Email library. This really simplifies the issue a lot The code is..

Java Email message Parser?


Email message Parser Is anyone familiar with a Java library that.. the javax.mail package. Additionally Apache has a Commons Email library for mail handling. In the JavaMail api a simple way..

Facebook Connect example in JSP (tomcat)


j_spring_security_check j_username user.getEmail FaceBookId user.getFacebookId else if user null StringUtil.isNullOrBlank.. comm new CreateUserRequestCommand comm.setEmail email comm.setFacebookId facebookid comm.setFirst StringAndDateUtils.safeChar.. lastName if success login if userService.getUserByEmail email null if first time login User u userService.createUser..

How send automatic reply on particular email id when an user registers?


input is valid Step1 registerUser Step2 send confirmationEmail else Step3 Exception case Send email method would ideally send.. an email. Sample java code to send email public void sendEmail try Properties props null if props null props System.getProperties.. email text plain Transport.send message logger.info Sent Email From message.getFrom To message.getAllRecipients Subject..

Email from internal storage


from internal storage On my application I write a file to the..

Android\Intent: Send an email with attachment [duplicate]


an email with attachment duplicate Possible Duplicate Email from internal storage The email is being received on by the..

Android C2DM Push Notification


NameValuePair 1 nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair Email ....@gmail.com nameValuePairs.add new BasicNameValuePair Passwd..

Android Contacts - Update Note


AND Data.MIMETYPE ' Note.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE ' AND Email.TYPE String selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf.. String selectArgs2 new String contactId String.valueOf Email.TYPE_OTHER operationList.add ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate.. to put in the selectArgs1 and selectArgs2 in replace of Email.TYPE and String.valueOf Email.TYPE_OTHER Any help would be much..

HTTP API Request Using Java For Android


json c.AddHeader Content type application json c.AddParam Email email c.AddParam Password password c.Execute RequestMethod.POST..

Should I use composite primary keys or not?


it represents a join table. A simple example Actor Id Name Email Movie Id Name Year Character Id Name Role Actor Movie Character..